What are 5 nursing considerations when caring for a patient with a tracheostomy?

What are 5 nursing considerations when caring for a patient with a tracheostomy?


  • Clearly explain the procedure to the patient and their family/carer.
  • Perform hand hygiene.
  • Use a standard aseptic technique using non-touch technique.
  • Position the patient.
  • Perform hand hygiene and apply non-sterile gloves.
  • Remove fenestrated dressing from around stoma.

What position should a patient be in for Trach suctioning?

Lay the patient flat on his/her back with a small towel/blanket rolled under the shoulders. Some patients may prefer a sitting position which can also be tried. Wet the catheter with sterile/distilled water for lubrication and to test the suction machine and circuit.

When suctioning a trach what is important to do prior to suctioning?

Pre-oxygenate the patient with 100% oxygen prior to suctioning to reduce the risk of hypoxemia. The catheter should be introduced to the desired depth. Do not apply suctioning while introducing the catheter as this can increase the risk of mucosal damage and hypoxemia.

How often should you suction a trach patient?

Suction the trach 3 to 4 times a day, or more if needed. For example, two of the times could be before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. You will need suction catheters, a suction machine, saline fluid, a small cup, and a mirror.

Can a CNA suction a tracheostomy?

The unit director was then asked if CNAs were allowed to perform tracheostomy suctioning and she stated “No, CNAs are not allowed to suction a tracheostomy under any circumstances.” She went on to explain that CNAs are not even allowed to change the tracheostomy ties.

What are the three main complications of tracheal suctioning?

What Are the Most Common Complications of Suctioning?

  • Hypoxia.
  • Airway Trauma.
  • Psychological Trauma.
  • Pain.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Infection.
  • Ineffective Suctioning.

Which precautions should the nurse take when suctioning a tracheostomy?

6 Precautions to Take When Using the Suctioning Procedure in…

  • Conduct a Risk Assessment.
  • Prepare the Patient.
  • Do Not Suction Too Long.
  • Avoid Forcing the Catheter.
  • Monitor for Complications.
  • Choose the Right Equipment.

How far do you insert a suction catheter?

Insert the suction catheter no more than 1 cm further. This places the end of the suction catheter 0.5 cm past the end of the ETT.

Do you suction before trach care?

Suctioning is done when you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed in the evening. Suctioning is also done after any respiratory treatments. In addition, suctioning may be needed when you: Have a moist cough that does not clear secretions.

What happens if you suction too deep?

Deep suctioning goes in further than the end of the trach tube. Use deep suctioning only for emergencies when premeasured suctioning does not work or you have to do CPR. Since the suction tube goes in much deeper, deep suctioning can hurt the airway (trachea).

Can nursing assistant do tube feedings?

Can a CNA Do Tube Feeding? No, only nurses should do tube feedings. This requires accurate nursing assessment skills that nurses are taught.

Can a nurse aide suction?

With additional training, nursing assistants can become what’s known as a CNA-II. A “second level” CNA does everything the CNA-I does, plus some or all of the following skills: Setting up equipment needed for oxygen therapy and monitoring the flow-rate. Performing oral and nasal suctioning.

What do you need to know about Trach care?

Clean the inner cannula at least once every day. You can skip this step if you do not have an inner cannula. Wash your hands and put on gloves.

  • Check the cuff pressure at least once each day. Your healthcare provider will show you how to check your cuff pressure.
  • Keep water and other materials out of your trach tube. Do not swim.
  • What is tracheostomy care procedure and how it works?

    What is Tracheostomy Care Procedure and how it Works? Tracheostomy is a proven medical procedure that involves the creation of a hole in the neck for the purpose of placing a tube in the patient’s windpipe. This particular tube is inserted through an operated opening in the neck down the vocal cords.

    Can you eat with a Trach?

    Eating with a Tracheostomy. Having a tracheostomy usually will not affect the patient’s eating or swallowing patterns. Sometimes there are changes in swallowing dynamics that require adjusting to, but it is rare that this cannot be overcome in a short time.

    How long for a tracheostomy stoma to heal over?

    Healing of the tracheostomy wound: when the tracheostomy tube is removed the wound left should heal over within 1-2 weeks. Specific information will be given regarding this by the Hospital team but is it also important that:

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