How do you calculate average wrap time?

How do you calculate average wrap time?

Average Wrap Time is calculated by adding up the total time spent on all Wrap-Ups within a given reporting period and dividing that by the number of Voice Calls an agent had within that period.

What is Ucce and UCCX?

What is the difference between UCCE and UCCX? UCCX is the small-size call center platform that supports up to 400 agents. UCCE has more comprehensive features and targets sophisticated operations and large agent numbers.

How long should wrap up time be?

Between 60 and 120 seconds is a typically sufficient amount of time to make post-call notes and schedule follow-up tasks. However, if you need to factor ACW in to specific goals for your call center in terms of service level and AHT (Average Handling Time), using an Erlang calculator can be extremely helpful.

What is wrap time?

Wrap time (aka After Call Work or ACW) is the time used by the agent following the end of a call to complete any administrative tasks like updating notes about the conversation, process orders etc. Wrap up time is one component of the Average Handling Time metric.

How do I improve my wrap time?

5 Safe Ways to Reduce Wrap Time

  1. Speed up Your Computer System. Slow computer systems are a key culprit in long wrap-up times.
  2. Complete Some ACW During the Contact.
  3. Teach Advisors to Use Abbreviations.
  4. Put an End to Wrap Time Misuse.
  5. Look to Technology to Automate ACW.

What is wrap up meeting?

2. The definition of a wrap up is a summary or final action. The summary of the topics covered by the speakers at the end of a meeting is an example of a wrap up. noun. 7.

What is CUCM and UCCX?

Cisco UC (Unified Communication) family has many members – CUCM (CallManager), Unity, UCCX (IPCC Express), CER, CUPS, etc. UCCX (Unified Contact Center Express) is also known as IPCC Express or CRS (Customer Response System). Since from version 8.5, UCCX was migrated to Linux platform (just like CUCM).

How does UCCX work with CUCM?

With the help of this user UCCX authenticates with CUCM to make changes on CUCM (to push the jtapi, rmcm users, CTI port, CTI route point to CUCM). Next you will be prompted to upload licenses if you have license file available. If not, you will get demo license for 60 days.

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