What is a antonym for procrastinate?

What is a antonym for procrastinate?

procrastination. Antonyms: timeliness, punctuality, promptitude, alacrity.

What is the synonym of procrastinate?

Some common synonyms of procrastinate are dally, dawdle, delay, lag, and loiter. While all these words mean “to move or act slowly so as to fall behind,” procrastinate implies blameworthy delay especially through laziness or apathy.

What is a better definition for procrastination?

Essential Meaning of procrastinate. : to be slow or late about doing something that should be done : to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc. He procrastinated and missed the submission deadline.

What is the opposite of procrastination?

However, the opposite of procrastination can also be a serious problem — a tendency we call “pre-crastination.” Pre-crastination is the inclination to complete tasks quickly just for the sake of getting things done sooner rather than later.

Why do you procrastinate?

We procrastinate on tasks we find “difficult, unpleasant, aversive or just plain boring or stressful.” If a task feels especially overwhelming or provokes significant anxiety, it’s often easiest to avoid it. Another reason people procrastinate, Sirois said, is because of low self-esteem.

What is a synonym for Do not procrastinate?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for procrastination. avoidance, delay, waiting.

Why do students procrastinate?

Students procrastinate because issues such as exhaustion and anxiety outweigh their self-control and motivation. Specifically, when students need to study or work on assignments, they rely primarily on their self-control in order to get themselves to do it.

Which is the best synonym for the word procrastinate?

Procrastinate: to be slow or late about doing something that should be done; to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.. Synonyms: filibuster, stall, temporize… Antonyms: bowl, breeze, dart… Find the right word.

Is it normal for a manager to procrastinate?

They found that managers who procrastinate when making decisions and carrying out tasks not only leave employees feeling less committed to the business, but also more likely to display abnormal and unpleasant behaviour. To a certain degree it is normal to procrastinate and it can be regarded as a useful way to identify what is important.

Who is Bibi Raven and what does procrastinate mean?

Bibi Raven is a procrastinating writer, builder of relationships and Cheerleader Extraordinaire over at Linkody. He therefore began in January to procrastinate, and consequently it was not until February that Francis demanded an advance.

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