What is the classification of Cestodes?

What is the classification of Cestodes?

Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report

Superphylum Platyzoa
Phylum Platyhelminthes Minot, 1876 – flatworms, plathelminthes, platodes, platelminte
Subphylum Neodermata
Class Cestoda – tapeworms
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What is the classification of a tapeworm?

Tapeworms/Scientific names
Tapeworms are long, segmented worms of the class Cestoda, which comprise 1 of 3 classes of parasitic worms (worms that require a host within which to mature). The other classes are Nematoda and Trematoda.

What is the morphology of a tapeworm?

Tapeworms are bilaterally symmetrical (i.e., the right and left sides are similar). Some consist of one long segment; others have a definite head, followed by a series of identical segments called proglottids. The head, or scolex, bears suckers and often hooks, which are used for attachment to the host.

What are the characteristics of cestoda?

Cestodes are long, flat, ribbon-like organisms commonly called tapeworms. The head, or scolex, has one or more hooked suckers for firm attachment to the host. Behind the head is the neck which is the growing region. The body consists of segments, each containing reproductive organs.

How many species are in the Cestoda class?

6000 species
Diversity and habitat. All 6000 species of Cestoda are parasites, mainly intestinal; their definitive hosts are vertebrates, both terrestrial and marine, while their intermediate hosts include insects, crustaceans, molluscs, and annelids as well as other vertebrates.

How many species are in the cestoda class?

What Kingdom is a tapeworm in?


What is the phylum and class of a tapeworm?


Which one of the following is a Cestoda animal?

Cestoda include Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, and Taenia asiatica, which are a long, ribbon-like flat worms.

Does Cestoda have circulatory system?

While turbellarians, such as planarias, tend to be free-living, the cestodes, trematodes, and monogeneans live as parasites in or on other animals. Cestodes are covered with a cuticle (tough but flexible, non-mineral covering), and lack a true circulatory or respiratory system; they do have a bilateral nervous system.

What is rostellum in biology?

rostellum. / (rɒˈstɛləm) / noun plural -la (-lə) biology a small beaklike process, such as the hooked projection from the top of the head in tapeworms or the outgrowth from the stigma of an orchid.

Which is the best description of a Cestoda?

Cestodes or tapeworms are the members of the class Cestoda of the phylum Platyhelminthes. About 6000 species of cestodes are identified as parasites and they are mainly intestinal. They are both marine and terrestrial; vertebrates are the definitive hosts and their intermediate hosts are crustaceans, insects, annelids, mollusks, etc.

What kind of larvae are found in cestodes?

Larva: The following types of larvae are found in cestodes: (a) Cysticercus: The entire larva is transformed into a bladder from which the head or scolex of the worm sprouts. One adult worm develops from each scolex. This consists of a bladder with one scolex as in Taenia saginata and Taenia solium.

What kind of cellulose does a cestode have?

Cysticercus cellulose of Taenia solium. Coenurus cerebralis of Multiceps multiceps. Plerocercoid of Sparganum mansoni and Sparganum proliferum. 1. Adult Cestodes: Adult cestodes have tape-like, ribbon shaped and segmented body and the length varies from few mm to several meters. They are flattened dorso-ventrally. An adult worm has three regions:

What’s the difference between a trematode and a cestode?

They are also unsegmented and thus do not fragment. One of the other big differences between cestodes and trematodes is the fact that unlike cestodes, trematodes have a digestive tract that runs from the oral cavity to the esophagus where it’s then divided into the bilateral ceca.

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