Who was the killer in Gone?

Who was the killer in Gone?

The detectives ask Jill where they can find the kidnapper, but she just ignores them and walks into the house, with her sister. F.Y.I.: The kidnapper is never identified in the film. He is however listed in the credits, on IMDB, as… Jim (Socratis Otto).

What is the movie gone about?

Jill Parrish (Amanda Seyfried) is trying to rebuild her life after surviving a terrifying kidnapping attempt. Though she is having a difficult time, she takes small steps toward normalcy by starting a new job and inviting her sister, Molly (Emily Wickersham), to move in with her. Returning home from work one morning, Jill discovers that Molly has vanished, and she is certain that the same man who previously abducted her has returned for revenge.
Gone/Film synopsis

What is while she was out about?

Pushed to the breaking point, an abused woman (Kim Basinger) turns the tables on the gang of thugs who want to beat and rape her.
While She Was Out/Film synopsis

Who plays the bad guy in Gone?

Raymond Calitri is the main antagonist in the 2000 film Gone in 60 Seconds. He was portrayed by Christopher Eccleston, who also portrayed Malekith the Accursed in Thor: The Dark World, Destro in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and Henry West in 28 Days Later.

Does Jill save Molly in Gone?

Jill is spotted by the police who pursue her through Portland, but she escapes back to Sharon’s house. Jill borrows Sharon’s car to avoid the police and save Molly.

Where is gone filmed?

Joel David Moore, who plays Nick Massey, was born in Portland, Oregon, which is where this movie was filmed.

Is Molly found in Gone?

Returning home one day after work, Jill discovers Molly is missing and not even her sister’s boyfriend, Billy, knows her whereabouts. Knowing her sister wouldn’t run off since she had an exam the next day, Jill is then convinced the serial killer who took her has now taken Molly.

Where was the movie while she was out filmed?

While She Was Out was filmed in Vancouver in Canada.

What happens to Molly in Gone?

Jill finds the hole where LaPointe held her captive. LaPointe ambushes Jill and pulls her into the hole, intending to kill her with the same piece of bone that she stabbed him with in her initial escape. As the sisters reunite, Jill whispers to Molly that LaPointe is dead.

What happens at the end of Gone book?

In the end, Astrid and Sam invite Diana to live with them, and all of them end up sharing a house together. Later, while in bed at their new house, Sam tells Astrid that although his mother didn’t believe it, he really is Taegan Smith’s son.

Where does the book Gone take place in?

The series is centered on the fictional Southern Californian town of Perdido Beach, in which every human aged 15 and older vanishes. The town and surrounding areas become encased within an impenetrable barrier, with many of its inhabitants developing supernatural powers.

Who are the main characters in the book Gone?

GONE is about life when everyone over 15 vanishes, and kids are trapped under a dome called the FAYZ. GONE’s main character is Sam Temple, a 14-year-old boy living in Perdido Beach, who has to defeat Caine, his lost twin.

Are there any adults in the book Gone?

Gone. Except for the young. There are teens, but not one single adult. Just as suddenly, there are no phones, no internet, no television. No way to get help. And no way to figure out what’s happened. Hunger threatens. Bullies rule.

Who is the author of the book Gone?

Gone (novel series) Jump to navigation Jump to search. Gone is a bestselling book series written by Michael Grant. This great series is centered on the fictional Southern Californian town of Perdido Beach, in which every human aged 15 and older vanishes.

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