Where can I get silk touch?

Where can I get silk touch?

Silk touch is an uncommon enchantment in Minecraft. Players can obtain silk touch through trading and enchanting. Villager Trading is the best way to obtain any enchantment in Minecraft, and librarian villagers can trade any enchanted book. For starters, place a lecturn to turn an unemployed villager into a librarian.

What is the fastest way to get silk touch enchantment?

The process should be:

  1. Place your pick in the table and check the tier 3 enchant. If it’s Silk Touch, then level up and take the enchant.
  2. If it’s not Silk Touch, place a trash item, such as a wooden shovel, and use the tier 1 enchant. This will reset all enchants for all items.

Can you make silk touch?

Or you can mine and gather the block itself such as diamond ore or coal ore (instead of getting diamond and coal drops). You can add the Silk Touch enchantment to any pickaxe, shovel, axe, or shears using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command….Background.

Enchantment Name Silk Touch
Max Level Level 1 (Silk Touch I)

How likely is it to get silk touch?

Minecraft uses a weighting system to determine what enchantment(s) a tool gets. So, even in the proper tool/level ranges, you would still only have a 1/18 chance of getting Silk Touch.

How many levels do you need for silk touch?

You can get bookshelves by using some tools with Silk Touch enchantment. You need to have nine bookshelves to get Silk Touch enchantment for your Minecraft at level 17. That is the maximum power level to get Silk Touch in Minecraft.

Can I get silk touch from fishing?

Since Silk Touch cannot normally be applied to swords or fishing rods, this only affects enchanted books and creative mode anvil use.

How many emeralds does silk touch cost?

Until the trade switched to silk touch for 5 emeralds. Also, the protection trade is mediocre. So much that it is worth keeping around, but it isn’t an amazing trade.

What’s better on an AXE fortune or silk touch?

Is Silk Touch or Fortune better on an AXE? Silk Touch is one of the best enchantments in Minecraft. The axe is usually used on wood, and you can harvest the blocks without any change with Fortune only, so there is no use for Silk Touch on the axe.

Should I put silk touch on my shovel?

Silk touch is only at the bottom of the list because it is not the most useful enchantment for a shovel. Silk touch is an enchantment that allows players to mine fragile items as the block itself in Minecraft.

Can you pick up spawners with silk touch?

Obtaining. Spawners cannot be obtained in Survival, even with Silk Touch. In Bedrock Edition, a monster spawner can be obtained from creative inventory or by using pick block. It is initially empty and inert, but can be configured to spawn a desired mob by using a spawn egg on the placed block.

What is the ideal level to get silk touch?

Level 50 enchant has the best chance of getting silk touch, period. On a diamond tool, that’s 14% chance. On a Iron tool, lvl 50 enchant, 14.3% chance. Like it or leave it.

What level Enchantment is silk touch?

The maximum level for the Silk Touch enchantment is Level 1. This means that you can only enchant an item with up to Silk Touch I, and nothing higher for this enchantment.

Is silk touch obtainable in enchantment books?

It’s still possible to get Silk Touch on a book, yes. It’s just a hard enchantment to get on a book. However, you don’t actually need Silk Touch on shears to get cobwebs anymore, since 1.9. You can just use regular old shears.

What is silk touch in Minecraft?

Silk Touch is an enchantment found in Vanilla Minecraft. Silk Touch contains only one rank, which may be put on weapons, tools, and Shears. Silk Touch may be obtained on an Enchanted Book. Silk Touch allows blocks that normally drop other items, to drop themselves.

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