How do I list a table in a schema?

How do I list a table in a schema?

SELECT table_name, table_schema, table_type FROM information_schema. tables ORDER BY table_name ASC; This will show the name of the table, which schema it belongs to, and the type. The type will either be “BASE TABLE” for tables or “VIEW” for views.

How do I get a list of all tables in a database?

Then issue one of the following SQL statement:

  1. Show all tables owned by the current user: SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
  2. Show all tables in the current database: SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables;
  3. Show all tables that are accessible by the current user:

How do I find the schema name for a table in DB2?

select * from sysibm. systables where owner = ‘SCHEMA’ and name like ‘%CUR%’ and type = ‘T’; This will give you all the tables with CUR in them in the SCHEMA schema.

What is the command to describe a table in DB2?

In DB2, enter on db2 command prompt. Also the following command works: describe SELECT * FROM table_name; Where the select statement can be replaced with any other select statement, which is quite useful for complex inserts with select for example.

How do I find the schema in DB2?

DB2 list schemas of a database

  1. Step 1 – Connect to the database. view source. db2 connect to my_database.
  2. Step 2 – Execute this query. view source. select schemaname from syscat.schemata. If you want to connect to another schema – read DB2 SET CURRENT SCHEMA. The recordset is something like :

How can I see all database schemas?

Retrieve all schema and their owners in a database

  1. SELECT s. name AS schema_name,
  2. s. schema_id,
  3. u. name AS schema_owner.
  4. FROM sys. schemas s.
  5. INNER JOIN sys. sysusers u ON u. uid = s. principal_id.
  6. ORDER BY s. name;

What can be included in a schema in DB2?

A schema can contain tables, functions, indices, tablespaces, procedures, triggers etc. For example, you create two different schemas named as “Professional” and “Personal” for an “employee” database. It is possible to make two different tables with the same name “Employee”.

Can you create two different schemas for the same database?

For example, you create two different schemas named as “Professional” and “Personal” for an “employee” database. It is possible to make two different tables with the same name “Employee”.

How to create employee table with two schemas?

Here, you create employee table with two different schemas, one for personal and the other for professional information. Step 1: Create two schemas. [To create a new table ‘employee’ in the database using schema name ‘professional’] [To create a new table ‘employee’ in the same database, with schema name ‘personal’]

Where do I find systables in DB2 server?

SYSTABLES is the DB2 standard catalog view. Where you find it depends on which flavor of DB2 server you are using: DB2 for i, LUW, or z/OS. You shouldn’t need GO or other such fiddle-faddle. Right click on a statement in the SQL file editor, and you’ll see options like alt-S to execute current text.

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