What is the coldest month in Rabat?

What is the coldest month in Rabat?

The months of November and December have a high chance of precipitation. Rabat has dry periods in June, July, August and September. The warmest month is August with an average maximum temperature of 27°C (80°F). The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of 17°C (63°F).

Does Rabat Morocco have snow?

When can you find snow in Rabat? Weather stations report no annual snow.

Does it rain in Rabat?

The rain in Rabat falls mostly in the winter, with relatively little rain in the summer. The average annual temperature in Rabat is 18.1 °C | 64.6 °F. The annual rainfall is 442 mm | 17.4 inch.

What is the barometric pressure in Rabat?

1016 hPa
الرباط (Rabat)

Precipitation (24 hr.) 0.2 mm
Humidity 94 %
Air pressure 1016 hPa
Visibility 5 km
Clouds 60 %

How much is the train from Rabat to Casablanca?

Moroccan Railways (ONCF) operates a train from Rabat Ville to Casablanca Port hourly. Tickets cost MAD 35 – MAD 65 and the journey takes 1h 8m. Alternatively, CTM operates a bus from Rabat to Casablanca once daily. Tickets cost MAD 30 – MAD 50 and the journey takes 1h 20m.

How cold does Morocco get?

Average daily winter temperatures range from 46 to 63 °F (8 to 17 °C). Away from the coast, temperatures drop significantly, occasionally dipping below the freezing point.

How much is a taxi from Rabat to Casablanca?

The quickest way to get from Rabat to Casablanca is to taxi which costs MAD 500 – MAD 650 and takes 1h.

How far is Rabat from Marrakech?

201 miles
The distance between Marrakech and the coastal capital of Rabat, is 201 miles (323 km) when traveling by way of Casablanca. The fastest and most comfortable way to get between the two cities is by private transfer, which takes just 3.5 hours.

What is the hottest city in Morocco?

Oujda is the hottest city in… – Severe Weather Morocco | Facebook.

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