How do you curse in Mexican Spanish?

How do you curse in Mexican Spanish?

10 Words & Phrases From Mexico That Aren’t Taught In School

  1. Chinga tu madre. “Go bother your mother.” It’s sort of fuck your mother.
  2. Valió madre or Valió verga.
  3. Estás pero si bien pendejo.
  4. Pinche.
  5. Un putero.
  6. No mames.
  7. Puto and Puta.
  8. Güey.

What does the Spanish word curse mean?

1. (= malediction, spell) maldición f. to put a curse on sb maldecir a algn. a curse on it! ¡maldito sea!

Is screw bad word?

Holmes first used screw with this meaning. Over the past few decades, screw has been used very often in place of vulgar words, obscenities, or cursing. This slang usage derived from the previous example, meaning a prostitute or a screw.

What’s the most common curse word in Spanish?

Here’s our list of the most common Spanish cuss words, swear words and rude phrases. Fuck! Spanish Translation: Joder! This is the adost common curse word, and you will hear it most of the time when people are holding casual talks. Joder literally translates to “fuck!”

What are some Spanish swear words to learn?

Spanish Swear Words that Will Help You Speak Like a Native. 1. Joder! Pronunciation: hho-derr! 2. Mierda! 3. Gilipollas. 4. Qué Cabrón! 5. Los cojones!

Which is the most common curse word in adost?

This is the adost common curse word, and you will hear it most of the time when people are holding casual talks. Joder literally translates to “fuck!” Here is an example of how you can use it; “I forgot to bring my joysticks, Joder!” or “Joder! This word is part and parcel of the daily life of a Spanish.

What is an example of a cuss word in Spanish?

An example in sentence form: “He just went for a world tour- Hijo de puta!” “Your brother bought a 65 inch Smart TV – Hijo de puta.” This is probably the most complicated Spanish cuss word to track back and is perhaps the coolest one in Spanish. It is used to express disagreement in a discussion or argument.

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