When did the King Tut exhibit come to the United States?

When did the King Tut exhibit come to the United States?

November 17, 1976
Tut storms America. When the exhibition opened at the National Gallery on November 17, 1976, the line wrapped around the three-block-long building.

What happened to King Tut’s treasures?

Despite rumors that a curse would befall anyone who disturbed the tomb, its treasures were carefully catalogued, removed and included in a famous traveling exhibition called the “Treasures of Tutankhamen.” The exhibition’s permanent home is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Where are the artifacts of King Tut?

Today the most fragile artifacts, including the burial mask, no longer leave Egypt. Tutankhamun’s mummy remains on display within the tomb in the Valley of the Kings in the KV62 chamber, his layered coffins replaced with a climate-controlled glass box.

Where can I see the King Tut exhibition?

The exhibition began its US encore tour in Dallas at the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) on October 3. The exhibition is organized by National Geographic, Arts and Exhibitions International and AEG Exhibitions, with cooperation from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities.

Where can I see King Tut in San Francisco?

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco have presented 17 such exhibitions since 1975. A portion of the proceeds generated from the world tour are being used to help preserve Egypt’s treasures, including the construction of a new museum in Cairo where antiquities will be housed.

When was the first Tut show at the de Young?

“The first Tut show in 1979 was one of the most popular exhibitions ever to be presented at the de Young. We look forward to providing this new educational and cultural exploration as part of our 30-year tradition of hosting exhibitions that feature ancient art and antiquities at the Fine Arts Museums.”

When did Howard Carter find King Tut’s tomb?

Tutankhamun, more commonly known as King Tut, has played an outsized role in our cultural imagination ever since archaeologist Howard Carter and his patron, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, opened his tomb in November 1922. For years, Carter had been digging in the Valley of the Kings, the ancient burial site of Egypt’s pharaohs, in search of Tut.

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