How can I make my plaster cast more comfortable?

How can I make my plaster cast more comfortable?

Elevate the affected area. For the first 24 to 72 hours after your child’s cast is applied, use pillows to raise the cast above the level of your child’s heart. Your child will need to recline if the cast is on a leg.

How do you make a cast less tight?

Wiggle your fingers or toes on the injured arm or leg, and do it often. This also can prevent stiffness. Chill the cast from the outside with a plastic bag of ice, or an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel. Keep the ice on the cast at the site of the injury for 15-30 minutes.

How can I make my cast easier?

A simple solution is to wear clothes that are easy to get on and off. For example, if you wear an arm cast, choose short-sleeve shirts or shirts with no sleeves. For a leg cast, wear basketball shorts or baggy tracksuit pants.

Why is my cast so itchy?

Itching beneath a cast likely occurs due to moisture build-up. Depending on how long you wear a cast for, they can get very hot and often sweaty over time. Therefore, your skin can become irritated and drive you to take risks. It can sometimes get unbearable!

Can you use plaster of Paris on plastic?

Plastic molds work well. Pour the plaster of Paris into your mold slowly so the plaster gets into all the details and crevices of the mold. Gently tap the mold on a hard surface to release any air bubbles that may be trapped at the bottom of the mold. Wait for the plaster to dry.

Can I put baby powder in my cast?

Don’t put talcum powder or corn starch inside the cast – these may start a skin infection. The best treatment is to dry the inside of the cast with a hair drier. Cast rubs or presses against your skin and causes irritation.

What to use to scratch inside a cast?

Blow-dry it: Don’t use hangers, butter knives, and other thin objects to scratch your skin within your cast. This can break your skin and cause irritation. Instead, use a blowdryer on the cool setting and aim it at the cast opening to relieve your itching.

Will my cast loosen up?

Keep your plaster cast dry at all times, or it will “melt.” If it gets wet, it may soften or crack and lose its proper position.

How do you keep plaster from sticking to plastic?

Coat the mold with talcum powder to help remove any air bubble formed when pouring the plaster into the mold. The talcum powder also aids in keeping the plaster from absorbing all of the moisture from the mold itself.

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