What does the symbol of the Guatemala flag mean?

What does the symbol of the Guatemala flag mean?

It includes the resplendent quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala that symbolizes liberty; a parchment scroll bearing the date of Central America’s independence from Spain, 15 September 1821; crossed rifles, indicating Guatemala’s willingness to defend itself by force if need be; a bay laurel crown, the symbol for …

What does red represent in Guatemala?

The colours of the second flag represent four indigenous cultures. Unlike Azuliblanco, the Bandera de Los Pueblos features four main colours: red for the Xinca people, yellow for the Garifuna people, white for the Maya peoples and black for the Ladino people.

How did Guatemala gain independence from Spain?

By 1540, the Spanish Crown had official rule over the area and Guatemala was a member of New Spain, a group of sovereign territories administered from Mexico City. However, Iturbide fell from power in 1823, giving Guatemala the push it needed to declare total independence.

What does the Quetzal bird symbolize in Guatemala?

These cultures revered the quetzal as the “god of the air,” and as symbols of light, freedom, and wealth. The Quetzal is highly emblematic in Guatemala. The coat of arms, flag, postage stamps, currency, and countless souvenirs all carry the image of the quetzal.

How did Guatemala get their flag?

In 1858 a flag was adopted that was influenced from the Spanish flag that features a thick yellow stripe with thinner blue-white-red stripes above and bellow. The State Flag of Guatemala at the same time had a coat of arms at the centre.

What makes Guatemala famous?

Guatemala is best known for its volcanic landscape, fascinating Mayan culture and the colorful colonial city of Antigua, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But this small Central American country has a wealth of homegrown produce and talent.

What do the symbols in the Guatemala flag stand for?

Symbolism of the Flag of Guatemala The two light blue bands symbolize the position of Guatemala between two oceans, The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. These light blue bands are also said to stand for the blue skies over the country. The middle white band is said to stand for the virtues of purity and peace.

What is written on the Guatemalan flag?

At the center of the flag is Guatemala’s coat of arms. Inscribed are the words Libertad 15 de Septiembre de 1821 which means Freedom September 15, 1821 the date in which Guatemala declared its independence from Spain. The wreath of bay laurel branches on the shield symbolizes victory; the Respelndent Quetzal represents liberty.

What are the colors of the Guatemalan flag?

The two main colors on the Guatemalan flag are white and sky blue. The image in the center of the flag is made up of several more accent colors like green, dark green, yellow, red and brown.

What is the national motto of Guatemala?

Interesting Guatemala Facts: The name ‘Guatemala’ originates from a word meaning ‘place of many trees’. Guatemala’s motto is the ‘Country of Eternal Spring’. The main language spoken in Guatemala today is Spanish.

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