What does pointedness mean?

What does pointedness mean?

Definitions of pointedness. the quality of being obviously directed at a particular person or thing. “the pointedness of his sarcasm was unmistakable” type of: directness, straightness.

Does a thesaurus give you antonyms?

A thesaurus does not give the meaning of words. A thesaurus does not always include antonyms. The plural of thesaurus is “thesauri” or “thesauruses”.

What is another word for calibration?

What is another word for calibration?

adjustment correction
regulation setting
standardisationUK standardizationUS

What are some synonyms for brevity?

synonyms for brevity

  • conciseness.
  • concision.
  • condensation.
  • crispness.
  • curtness.
  • economy.
  • ephemerality.
  • impermanence.

What is the antonym for pointed?

OPPOSITES FOR pointed 2 blunt, dull.

How do you use pointedly?

Pointedly sentence example

  1. On the way, Dean chatted about inconsequential things but pointedly asked about school.
  2. Brady looked at her pointedly , and she crossed her arms.
  3. “Missed a spot,” he said, looking pointedly at the tattoo around her neck.

What is the best thesaurus?

The Best Thesaurus for Writers: 9 Excellent Print or Kindle Options

  1. Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus.
  2. The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression.
  3. Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Writers.
  4. The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Psychological Trauma.

What’s the opposite of calibrate?

Opposite of to check or adjust by comparison with a standard. damage. deregulate. disarrange.

What is the simple meaning of calibration?

English Language Learners Definition of calibrate : to adjust or mark (something, such as a measuring device) so that it can be used in an accurate and exact way. : to measure (something) in an exact and precise way.

Which is the opposite of brevity?

What is the opposite of brevity?

permanence endurance
permanency inveteracy

What means the opposite of brevity?

brevity. Antonyms: length, protraction, elongation, extension, prolixity, diffusiveness, tediousness. Synonyms: shortness, closeness, conciseness, succinctness, terseness, compendiousness, pointedness, abbreviation, abridgment.

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