How do I get a teaching job in Spain?

How do I get a teaching job in Spain?

Qualifications to Teach in Spain

  1. Bachelor’s Degree — A 4-year college degree will open up a lot more doors and will give you higher pay.
  2. Teaching Certification — A TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certificate will make you more attractive to employers, and can entitle you to a higher salary.

How much money do teachers in Spain make?

For primary school teachers, the entry level salary in Spain was $36,405, also above the OECD and EU averages of $29,494 and $28,934 respectively.

Does Spain need teachers?

Madrid: The largest city in Spain has the most language schools and greatest need for English teachers. Some of the schools will only hire those with a work permit (EU Citizens) or on a Student Visa however there are a large number of language academies that will hire an American without a work permit.

What qualifications do you need to teach in Spain?

The main requirements to teach English in Spain are: A recognized teaching certificate: TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language), CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) and TESOL (Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages) are the main certificates.

Are teachers in demand in Spain?

It’s no surprise that Spain is a popular destination for foreigners to teach English abroad. With Spain’s growing demand for English teachers, you will find a range of positions available all over the country, from private tutor to classroom assistant to head teacher.

Is there a demand for Spanish teachers?

The demand for Spanish-speaking teachers is increasing in urgency: As schools scramble to adapt curricula and classes to a changing population, it’s more critical than ever that teachers can communicate in two languages. That makes it far and away the most commonly spoken non-English language in the country.

Is Spanish teacher a good career?

Teaching Spanish is an ideal career for people with strong communication skills and a devotion to diversity. With the increasing demand for bilingual speakers in education, business and communities at large, people who can teach Spanish are highly valued.

Can you teach in Spain without a degree?

Well, the good news is, many positions in Spain hire teachers with TEFL/TESOL certification only and do not require a degree. The catch is, some language institute positions require that you’re eligible to work in the European Union, so this country may still be out of reach for American teachers.

Is it easy to get job in Spain?

Workdays tend to be very long, because of the Spanish siesta. Knowing how to find a job in Spain as a foreigner is not a straightforward process. In general, integration into Spain’s job market is easier if you speak Spanish, but speaking English is generally a good asset as well.

Is it hard to get an English teaching job in Spain?

If you’re from outside the EU it’s very difficult to legally work teaching English in Spain, as employers can only sponsor a visa if an EU citizen can’t fill the position. An option for non-EU citizens is to enter the country on a student visa, which allows you to work for a limited number of hours per week.

How do I find a job teaching English in Spain?

The best way of finding a job to teach English in Spain is to look online. There are numerous job websites and online forums that you can check. If already live in Spain, you can check for Spanish jobs in newspapers, sign up with a recruitment agency, and use local networks.

What jobs are available in Spain?

Bartending jobs are plentiful in Spain and if you have a sharp memory, enjoy facts and have good speaking abilities, you can work as a tour guide. -Cleaning, Gardening and Driver jobs: you can clean houses/villas, do gardening or landscaping, drive a taxi or do removals in areas where there are expats.

How can I get a job in Spain?

Go to a staffing agency. If you’re looking to build a career in Spain rather than bounce from one gig to another, going to a recruitment agency is a great idea. You’ll meet with a recruiter who will suggest a position based on your experience and interests and connect you with the company.

What visa do I need to teach English in Spain?

A student visa allows Americans & other non-E.U. citizens to live legally & teach English in Spain while taking part-time classes in Spanish language and receiving ongoing teacher training leading to an Advanced Certificate in TEFL through the University Del Atlantico.

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