What can a candiru do to you?

What can a candiru do to you?

These smaller species are known for an alleged tendency to invade and parasitise the human urethra; however, despite ethnological reports dating back to the late 19th century, the first documented case of the removal of a candiru from a human urethra did not occur until 1997, and even that incident has remained a …

Is it possible for something to swim up your pee stream?

First thing’s first, according to all known laws and rules of fluid dynamics, swimming directly up a stream of human urine is impossible.

What fish is attracted to urine?

The Candiru
The Candiru and Its Popular “Scientification” The candiru (carnero in some Spanish‐based accounts) is known as a little fish keen on entering the nether regions of people urinating in the Amazon River.

Where can you find the candiru fish?

Amazon River basin
Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa) is a small parasitic catfish species native to the Amazon River basin and possibly the Orinoco River basin in South America.

What does the candiru fish eat?

candiru, (Vandellia cirrhosa), scaleless, parasitic catfish of the family Trichomycteridae found in the Amazon River region. A translucent, eellike fish about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long, the candiru feeds on blood and is commonly found in the gill cavities of other fishes.

Is there a fish that will swim up urethra?

Candiru is a tiny Amazonian parasitic catfish reported to swim into urethral and other body openings of unprotected bathers. It is also known as canero, camero, and urethra fish, and is a member of the genus Vandellia.

Is there a fish that can swim up your urethra?

What happens when you pee in the Amazon River?

There are many troubling stories from the region regarding human run-ins with the candirú. It is not uncommon for people swimming or bathing in the river to urinate while in the water, an action which creates tiny water currents that are rich in urea and ammonia, much like an exhaling fish.

What does the Candiru fish eat?

How big is the candiru fish?

about 2.5 cm
Candiru, (Vandellia cirrhosa), scaleless, parasitic catfish of the family Trichomycteridae found in the Amazon River region. A translucent, eellike fish about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long, the candiru feeds on blood and is commonly found in the gill cavities of other fishes.

How big is a candiru fish?

A translucent, eellike fish about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long, the candiru feeds on blood and is commonly found in the gill cavities of other fishes. It sometimes also attacks humans and has been known to enter the urethras of bathers and swimming animals.

Can a fish in the Amazon really swim up your urethra?

Can a Fish in the Amazon Really Swim up your Urethra? The candiru (also known as the Toothpick Fish or the Vampire Fish) has long been reputed to be capable of swimming up a person’s urethra during urination in affected waters, causing untold physical harm and psychological trauma.

Can a candiru fish go up your urethra?

We mentioned in our 7 terrifying small organisms piece that the candiru was known to have gone up the urethra of at least one unsuspecting male. However, there is considerable controversy surrounding that case and others cited before it.

Is there really a fish that can swim up your bladder?

Over the years, more extreme tales of the candiru fish have emerged. Some of these claim that the fish: can jump up out of the water and swim up a stream of urine lays eggs in the bladder

Is there really a fish that swims up your Pee hole?

If you’ve never heard of the Candirú, also known as the pencil fish, the toothpick fish, the vampire fish and the fish that SWIMS INTO YOUR PEE HOLE, Google any of those names above (yes, even that last one, but maybe not at work).

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