What can I say to encourage weight loss?

What can I say to encourage weight loss?

Tell them “You should…”: “You should join a gym,” “You should follow the _____ diet,” “You should stop eating ____.” Just get “You should” out of your vocabulary. What follows will almost always be interpreted as judgment and criticism. Aggressively offer them food: “But I made this just for you!” “You’re crazy!

Why you should lose weight quotes?

20 Awesome Quotes That Will Motivate You To Lose Weight

  • Only I Can Change My Life, No One Can Do It For Me.
  • Slow And Steady Wins The Race.
  • The Struggle You Are In Today Is Developing The Strength You Need for Tomorrow.
  • Food, Like Your Money, Should Be Working For You.
  • The Road May Be Bumpy But Stay Committed To The Process.

How do I achieve a weight loss goal?


  1. Make sure you’re ready. Long-term weight loss takes time and effort — and a long-term commitment.
  2. Find your inner motivation. No one else can make you lose weight.
  3. Set realistic goals. It may seem obvious to set realistic weight-loss goals.
  4. Enjoy healthier foods.
  5. Get active, stay active.
  6. Change your perspective.

What are some weight loss goals?

For example, a process goal might be to eat five servings of fruits or vegetables a day, to walk 30 minutes a day, or to drink water at every meal. Process goals may be particularly helpful for weight loss because you focus on changing behaviors and habits that are necessary for losing weight.

How do you respond to comments about weight?

What to do when someone comments on your weight

  1. Know it’s probably not about you. I know, I know.
  2. Come back with a compliment. This is for the people who are intentionally trying to hurt your feeelings.
  3. Hit the comment right back at them. Say ‘so do you’ and smile sweetly.
  4. Call them out.
  5. Ignore it.
  6. Remove yourself.

What is the best advice for a person trying to lose weight?

1. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals. It is often claimed that drinking water can help with weight loss — and that’s true. Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of 1–1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories ( 1 , 2 ).

How do I write a weight loss plan?

6 Steps to Creating a Customized Diet Plan for Weight Loss

  1. Step One: Avoid Calorie Counting Diet Plans. Typical diet plans set a daily calorie goal.
  2. Step Two: Calculate Your Macros.
  3. Step Three: Find Foods That Fit.
  4. Step Four: Stock Up on Recipes.
  5. Step Five: Set an Eating Schedule.
  6. Step Six: Track, Analyze, and Adjust.

What is a smart goal for losing weight?

SMART goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused and Timely. An example of a good SMART goal is: “I will go on a walk on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around my neighborhood for 20 minutes in order to lose 3lbs by February 23.”

Is it OK to comment on someone’s weight?

Weight-based comments can be highly triggering for people. One of the most important reasons why you should never comment on someone’s weight is that for folks who have a life-threatening eating disorder or those in recovery from one, weight comments can fuel their disorder even more or cause a relapse.

The key to setting weight loss goals is to follow the standard of goal setting, which means it needs to be SMART. A smart goal is: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and tangible. Go all the way back to the basics and start by figuring out if you really need to lose weight.

How do I stay motivated to lose weight?

50 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight 1) Think wellness not weight loss. 2) Set reasonable goals. 3) LIMIT but do not ELIMINATE. 4) Pace yourself. 5) Try tipping your scales with blue. 6) Take stock of any and all of the positive changes new eating habits have brought you. 7) Celebrate the small victories! 8) Wear red to get going!

What is the best motivation for weight loss?

Some of the best weight loss motivation is a little wriggle room. Totally cutting yourself off from comfort foods or snacks that you crave is not a good move because it increases the chance you will overdo it the next time your will breaks and you load up on chips.

What is the goal of losing weight?

Reasonable weight loss goals refers to the process of achieving and maintaining ideal body weight by getting rid of excess fat through realistically setting an objective to a balanced diet, proper exercise, and active lifestyle. Obesity is a common problem in this country.


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