What is the word extempore mean?

What is the word extempore mean?

on the spur of the moment; without premeditation or preparation; offhand: Questions were asked extempore from the floor. without notes: to speak extempore. (of musical performance) by improvisation. adjective. extemporaneous; impromptu.

What is the meaning of extempore speech?

adjective. done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous speech. previously planned but delivered with the help of few or no notes: extemporaneous lectures. speaking or performing with little or no advance preparation: extemporaneous actors.

What is the synonym of extempore?

1’an extempore speech’ impromptu, spontaneous, unscripted, ad lib. on-the-spot, extemporary, extemporaneous. improvised, improvisatory, unrehearsed, unplanned, unprepared, unarranged, unpremeditated. makeshift, thrown together, cobbled together, rough and ready.

How is niche pronounced?

There is a debate about how you are supposed to pronounce niche. There are two common pronunciation variants, both of which are currently considered correct: \NEESH\ (rhymes with sheesh) and \NICH\ (rhymes with pitch). \NICH\ is the more common one and the older of the two pronunciations.

What is the difference between jam and extempore?

Extempore is an impromptu speech that is delivered with little or no preparation. She informed the students about the rules of Extempore/JAM. A draw of lots decided the topic each student would speak on, for just a minute (JAM).

What is an extempore task give another word for extempore?

“He was speaking extempore.”…What is another word for extempore?

impromptu extemporaneous
improvised extemporary
off-the-cuff unplanned
unprepared unpremeditated
unrehearsed offhand

What is an extempore task?

Extempore is a speech given at the spur of the moment without any prior preparation. At times there are few minutes given to prepare for a topic like 2-3 mins, usually, that is not the case. Extempore is conducted to understand various points from a candidate and hence has a lot of challenges.

What is the meaning of nich?

1 : an open hollow space in a wall (as for a statue) 2 : a place, job, or use for which a person or a thing is best fitted She found her niche in teaching. niche. noun.

What is the meaning of the word extempore?

on the spur of the moment; without premeditation or preparation; offhand: Questions were asked extempore from the floor. without notes: to speak extempore.

Are there any synonyms for the word extemporary?

Synonyms & Antonyms for extempore. Synonyms. ad hoc, ad-lib, down and dirty, extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, improvisational, improvised, off-the-cuff, offhand, offhanded, snap, spur-of-the-moment, unconsidered, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed, unstudied. Antonyms.

Who was the first Prime Minister to pronounce extempore?

Throughout the long, silent era that was Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s time in office, one longed to hear the good Singh speak extempore, for once without consulting his script and holding his audience’s eye John McAdam (d. 1790) was renowned as an agricultural improver in Scotland, who owned the estates of Barbeth and Straiton.

What are the ways of an extempore humorist?

Truly, the ways of an extempore humorist are unhappy. The songs are extempore, and love is the constant theme. But it is not enough for the extempore speaker to be able to reduce his sentences to correctness by recasting, pruning, or adding to them.

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