What is the right word for necessary for a particular purpose?

What is the right word for necessary for a particular purpose?

something necessary or required for a particular purpose; necessity. necessaries, Law. food, clothing, etc., required by a dependent or incompetent and varying with his or her social or economic position or that of the person upon whom he or she is dependent.

What is another word for specific point or detail?

Some common synonyms of detailed are circumstantial, minute, and particular. While all these words mean “dealing with a matter fully and usually point by point,” detailed stresses abundance or completeness of detail.

What is another word for aim or purpose?

Some common synonyms of aim are design, end, goal, intention, intent, objective, object, and purpose.

Was intended for a particular purpose?

If something is intended for a particular purpose, it has been planned to fulfil that purpose. If something is intended for a particular person, it has been planned to be used by that person or to affect them in some way.

What does it mean when something is particular?

—used to indicate that one specific person or thing is being referred to and no others. : special or more than usual. : having very definite opinions about what is good or acceptable. particular. noun.

What is another word for to be specific?

What is another word for to be specific?

namely scilicet
specifically to wit
videlicet especially
expressly particularly
specially id est

Are there any synonyms for the word purpose?

Synonyms for purpose include goal, aim, objective, idea, intent, intention, function, object, plan and point. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is the meaning of the phrase ” for a particular purpose “?

phrase. intended to be a particular thing, or to have a particular purpose.

Are there any synonyms for the word particular?

particularized. scrupulous. selective. thorough. topical. See also synonyms for: particulars. Meet Grammar Coach. Improve Your Writing. Meet Grammar Coach.

Which is the best synonym for the word specific?

specific. adj of, relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or group. Synonyms. especial. individual. particular. specific. Synonyms for special. Collins.

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