Who played Vigo in Ghostbusters 2?

Who played Vigo in Ghostbusters 2?

Wilhelm von HomburgGhostbusters II
Vigo the Carpathian/Played by
Norbert Grupe (August 25, 1940 – March 10, 2004), better known outside Germany by his stage name Wilhelm von Homburg, was a German boxer, actor, and professional wrestler known for his villainous supporting roles in various high profile films of the 1980s and 1990s, including Vigo the Carpathian in Ghostbusters II, the …

Where is the Vigo painting?

Some of the concept art continues to float around, but Eytchison says the original reference photograph hangs in ILM offices, Police’s smaller painting is in Ivan Reitman’s home, and the rest is in the hands of collectors.

Who is the father of Dana Barrett’s baby?

Peter Venkman
The site reports that Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman was actually the father of Dana Barrett’s (Sigourney Weaver) newborn son Oscar, who was introduced in Ghostbusters 2.

What was the pink slime in Ghostbusters 2 made of?

Slime Methocel
Slime. Methocel, a vegetable-based gel, was used to create the slime.

How old is Wilhelm von Homburg?

63 years (1940–2004)
Wilhelm von Homburg/Age at death

Where is Vigo from Ghostbusters 2?

New York
Ghostbusters II. True to his word, Vigo returned in modern day New York in 1989. The Vigo painting was moved from storage to the Restoration room in 304 at the Manhattan Museum of Art.

How big was Vigo in Ghostbusters 2?

This massive, lifesize reprint is 83″ tall by 52″ wide and printed on a heavy duty banner material that has a canvas-like textured look.

Who is Oscars dad Ghostbusters 2?

Dana Barrett
Oscar is the son of Dana Barrett in Ghostbusters II.

Is Louis Tully Oscar’s father?

In the original film it is never clear who Oscar’s father is, but it was inferred that it is not Peter’s kid. This comes from the GBFans FAQ: First off, it’s not Louis Tully. Oscar is not the by product of Zuul and Vinz Clortho mating.

What is the Ghostbuster car?

But in the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie, it’s not just anything under the tarp. It’s the iconic Ecto-1! Yep, the world’s most famous 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Futura Duplex (with ambulance/hearse conversion) has been located in a dusty Oklahoma barn.

What did Egon do to the slime?

Egon and Ray tried to neutralize the slime with negative emotions. Egon urinated into the pool and Ray used a Proton Grenade.

Who is Annie Potts in the Ghostbusters?

Annie Potts is best known for her role as Janine Melnitz in the Ghostbusters films. She is also known for her role as Mary Jo Jackson Shively on Designing Women and Bo Peep in the Toy Story series.

Who are the actors in Ghostbusters 2?

Ghostbusters II: Directed by Jeffrey Tunnell. With Douglas Recupero, Annie Potts. Re-live the movie as you bust ghosts, collect slime, find the proper mixture, break out of jail and hunt down Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia.

Who is the voice of Vigo in Ghostbusters 2?

As well as the main cast, Ghostbusters II features Wilhelm von Homburg as Vigo the Carpathian (voiced by Max von Sydow ).

Why did Ivan Reitman want to make Ghostbusters 2?

Ghostbusters II was to be the first sequel film Reitman had directed, and he said he was worried about being able to surprise the audience without relying on elaborate special effects. He wanted to focus on character interaction, believing that was the original’s main draw.

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