How do I plot full screen in MATLAB?

How do I plot full screen in MATLAB?

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  1. To open a fullscreen figure window in MATLAB, use the “Position” option of the figure command. There are two way:
  2. s = get(0, ‘ScreenSize’);
  3. figure(‘Position’, [0 0 s(3) s(4)]);
  4. Without bothering to get the screen size, use normalized units:
  5. figure(‘Units’,’normalized’,’Position’,[0 0 1 1])


shg makes the current figure visible and places it in front of all other figures on the screen. This is identical to using the command figure(gcf) .

What is Drawnow in MATLAB?

drawnow updates figures and processes any pending callbacks. Use this command if you modify graphics objects and want to see the updates on the screen immediately. example. drawnow limitrate limits the number of updates to 20 frames per second.

How do I save a full figure in MATLAB?


  1. You must use MATLAB to open files saved using savefig . To open the file, pass the file name to the function openfig or open . For example,
  2. savefig saves the full MATLAB figure. To save only part of a figure, such as an axes, or to save handles in addition to the data, use the save function to create a MAT-file.

How do I save a large figure in MATLAB?

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  1. Go to Preferences.
  2. Go to General.
  3. Click MAT-Files and select “MATLAB Version 7.3 or later”.
  4. Then save the figure using savefig().

How do I view a figure window in MATLAB?

To display image data, use the imshow function. The following example reads an image into the workspace and then displays the image in a figure window using the imshow function. You can also pass imshow the name of a file containing an image. imshow(‘moon.

How do I save a plot in MATLAB?

Click File > Generate Code…. The generated code displays in the MATLAB Editor. Save the code by clicking File > Save As. Generated files do not store the data necessary to recreate the graph, so you must supply the data arguments.

What is editor window in MATLAB?

The MATLAB Editor Window is a simple text editor where you can load, edit and save complete MATLAB programs. The Editor window also has a menu command (Debug/Run) which allows you to submit the program to the command window. It also has a number of example programs and tutorials.

How do I open a fig file in MATLAB?

Description. openfig( filename ) opens the figure saved in the MATLABĀ® figure file (FIG-file) called filename . openfig( filename , copies ) specifies whether to open a new copy of the figure in the case that a copy is already open. If you do not want to create a new copy, set copies to ‘reuse’ .

How do I display a binary image in Matlab?

imshow( BW ) displays the binary image BW in a figure. For binary images, imshow displays pixels with the value 0 (zero) as black and 1 as white. imshow( X , map ) displays the indexed image X with the colormap map . imshow( filename ) displays the image stored in the graphics file specified by filename .

How to plot a function in MATLAB plotting?

MATLAB – Plotting 1 Define x, by specifying the range of values for the variable x, for which the function is to be plotted 2 Define the function, y = f (x) 3 Call the plot command, as plot (x, y)

When do you use the subplot command in MATLAB?

When you create an array of plots in the same figure, each of these plots is called a subplot. The subplot command is used for creating subplots. where, m and n are the number of rows and columns of the plot array and p specifies where to put a particular plot.

What does the grid on command in MATLAB do?

The grid on command allows you to put the grid lines on the graph. The axis equal command allows generating the plot with the same scale factors and the spaces on both axes. The axis square command generates a square plot.

How do I make a figure full screen programmatically in MATLAB?

To make a figure the same size as your screen in MATLAB execute the following command: figure(‘units’,’normalized’,’outerposition’,[0 0 1 1]) Please also see the related solution below for a method of programmatically maximizing, minimizing, and restoring a figure window.

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