What is the Chinese custom when someone dies?

What is the Chinese custom when someone dies?

It’s common for Chinese families to honor their loved ones with three days of visitation before the funeral. The loved one will be dressed in his or her best clothing or a traditional white burial robe. Only loved ones who lived to be 80 or older can be dressed in red or other colorful clothing.

How do Chinese perform mourning rites?

The traditions of a Chinese wake include:

  • If the person has died at home, his or her coffin is placed on a stand within the home.
  • If he or she died away from home, the coffin is placed on a stand within the home’s courtyard.
  • Wreaths, photos, and gifts are placed near the head of the deceased as it lays in wake.

What can you not do during Chinese mourning?

Staying away from customary celebrations of the Chinese New Year within a year of experiencing a death in the family is usually observed too. The family in mourning should not visit other friends’ houses, but there is no restriction on them receiving visitors.

What color do you wear to a Chinese funeral?

At Chinese funerals, white or yellow mums are appreciated, as white chrysanthemums symbolize lamentation or grief. Traditionally, Asian families wear white at the funeral and opt not to wear any jewelry. Red is considered the color of happiness, so the family does not wear any red clothing or accessories.

What are Chinese concubines?

Concubinage is deeply steeped in China’s history. Concubines were women who cohabited with Emperors throughout the dynasties, but were never officially married and were subordinate to wives. An Emperor could have as many or as few concubines as he wished, with the main purpose of bearing him lots of children.

Why do the Chinese turn away from the coffin when they seal it?

During the sealing of the coffin all present must turn away since watching a coffin being sealed is considered very unlucky. The coffin is not carried directly to the cemetery but is first placed on the side of the road outside the house where more prayers are offered and paper is scattered.

Why are Chinese funerals noisy?

The Chinese believe that by burning joss paper and prayer money, the deceased will have an abundant afterlife. Most Chinese funerals will include a variation of chanting and music. Traditional Chinese culture believes that loud music will keep evil spirits away.

Why do you never see Chinese funerals?

According to Chinese custom, an elder should never show respect to someone younger. If an infant or child dies, no funeral rites are performed either since respect cannot be shown to a younger person. The child is thus buried in silence.

How long do Chinese funerals last?

A Chinese wake can last between five to seven days and depends on the age and social influence of the deceased. Some funerals can last up to 45 days.

How many wives can a man have in China?

While a man could have though only one wife but many concubines and marry someone else as new wife if the wife passed away before him.

What are the customs at a Chinese funeral?

Customs may vary by geography and a family’s religion and the age, social status and cause of death. Still, all traditional Chinese funerals include certain elements and follow etiquette around the length of the visitation, dress code and colors.

Why do they not wear red at Chinese funerals?

The colour red is never worn for funerals, as it symbolises happiness and good fortune in Chinese culture (which is why it is the traditional colour of Chinese New Year and of Chinese weddings). Read about the traditional Chinese festival of Qingming dedicated to honouring ancestors in our Death Around the World series.

How does feng shui affect a Chinese funeral?

In the case of a royal burial, good or bad feng shui may affect the entire nation. At the heart of Chinese culture is filial piety or reverence for elders and ancestors. The same applies to death rituals and chinese funerals are usually arranged by the children of the person who has died or younger members of the family.

When do Chinese families visit the grave after a funeral?

On the 7th day after the funeral, the family believes the soul of the deceased will visit. They stay in their rooms and powder is sprinkled around the door to confirm their presence. Chinese families visit the grave together every year. They clean the grave and make sure it is well kept.

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