How do you fix the breakpoint will not currently be hit?

How do you fix the breakpoint will not currently be hit?

Resolving breakpoint will not be hit error ways

  1. Right click on your project name.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select the “Build” tab.
  4. Make sure “Define DEBUG constant” and “Define TRACE constant” are checked.
  5. Make sure “Optimize Code” is unchecked.
  6. Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the Build tab page.

How do you fix the breakpoint will not currently be hit the source code is different from the original version?

Re: HELP: The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different then the origin…

  • clean solution.
  • delete all pdb files.
  • close all files in VS.
  • recompile solution.
  • re-open the tricksy files.
  • all was well.

How do you fix the breakpoint will not currently be hit vs2019?


  1. Clean entire solution, rebuild.
  2. Delete breakpoints, clean and rebuild and then add breakpoints and run.
  3. Restarted machine, clean, rebuild.
  4. Deleted manually all Bin folder contents and clean again and rebuild.
  5. Closed VS, deleted ASP.NET temporary files and then restarted VS, clean and build.

How do I hit a breakpoint in JavaScript Visual Studio 2019?

Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General and turn on the setting Enable JavaScript Debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE). Then once you will hit “F5”. Using above option you can now debug both JavaScript and TypeScript directly in Visual Studio when using Google Chrome or Edge as a browser.

Why the breakpoint will not currently be hit?

Ensure debug configuration, debug flag, and full debug information are set on all assemblies. Delete all bin and obj folders and all DLL files related to the project from my entire machine. Recreate projects causing the problem from scratch. Reboot.

Why are there Skipped loading symbols?

The option Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> Enable Just My Code (JMC). If this option is enabled the managed debugger will not load symbols for any modules that are optimized. You will see the Skipped loading symbols. If you see the Symbol Load Info for the module it will provide the explanation for it.

When debugging ASP NET MVC app breakpoints are not hit?

If there is a file at the exact same virtual location with the exact same name as the URL you are trying to debug, the file will be served to the browser automatically by IIS and the breakpoint will not be hit because no MVC code actually runs. Things to try: Clean the Solution, then rebuild it.

Why is my breakpoint not working?

If a source file has changed and the source no longer matches the code you are debugging, the debugger will not set breakpoints in the code by default. Normally, this problem happens when a source file is changed, but the source code wasn’t rebuilt. To fix this issue, rebuild the project.

Can you debug JavaScript Visual Studio?

You can debug JavaScript and TypeScript code using Visual Studio. You can set and hit breakpoints, attach the debugger, inspect variables, view the call stack, and use other debugging features.

How do I test JavaScript in Visual Studio?

Open the JavaScript code file in Text Editor, then use shortcut Control + Alt + N (or ⌃ Control + ⌥ Option + N on macOS), or press F1 and then select/type Run Code , the code will run and the output will be shown in the Output Window.

How do I remedy the breakpoint will not currently be hit no symbols have been loaded for this document warning?

Delete all bin and obj folders and all DLL files related to the project from my entire machine. Recreate projects causing the problem from scratch. Reboot….The Following steps forked for me:

  1. Go to the “bin” folder of your project.
  2. Delete the “Debug” folder.
  3. Build your project again.
  4. The Debug folder will get re-created.

How do I activate just my code?

For most programming languages, Just My Code is enabled by default. To enable or disable Just My Code in Visual Studio, under Tools > Options (or Debug > Options) > Debugging > General, select or deselect Enable Just My Code.

Why are my breakpoints not getting hit in vs?

That being said, if you’re using VS as the client-side script debugger and you find that your client-side breakpoints are not getting hit, it is best to insert a “debugger;” line prior to the line you would like to break at to ensure that it is picked up by the VS script debugger.

Why is Visual Studio not stopping at breakpoints?

If Internet Explorer is set as the browser when debugging, Visual Studio is, in theory, able to stop at breakpoints set at client side script. To use the feature, you will need to make sure that “Disable script debugging” is checked in your IE Internet Options, Advanced tab.

Why does JavaScript debugger not stop at break point?

Another scenario for the inability of the debugger to stop at the break point is if one uses bundling. To debug JavaScript files, we need to remove bundling. I hope this will help someone. Share Improve this answer

When to use client side breakpoint debugger in vs?

My personal experience is that it works best in VS2012 or later. That being said, if you’re using VS as the client-side script debugger and you find that your client-side breakpoints are not getting hit, it is best to insert a “debugger;” line prior to the line you would like to break at to ensure that it is picked up by the VS script debugger.

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