What is the salary of a Sharepoint Developer?

What is the salary of a Sharepoint Developer?

Sharepoint Developer Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $141,000 $11,750
75th Percentile $124,000 $10,333
Average $106,506 $8,875
25th Percentile $87,000 $7,250

How much do Sharepoint administrators make?

Sharepoint Administrator Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $124,500 $10,375
75th Percentile $107,000 $8,916
Average $93,285 $7,773
25th Percentile $78,000 $6,500

What does a SharePoint specialist do?

The SharePoint Specialist will take responsibility for all aspects of the design, architecture, development, deployment, operations, administration, training and support of key SharePoint infrastructure and business solutions.

What language does SharePoint use?

You CAN use any . net language that you want of course, but the vast vast majority of SharePoint books, documentation and Code Samples are in C#. The official Microsoft SharePoint SDK Samples is only in C#. You really want to use C# if you have to develop for SharePoint, especially if you’re just starting.

What is the difference between a SharePoint developer and administrator?

SharePoint developer would be someone who is coding functionality like workflows, web parts, features, etc. SharePoint administrator would be someone who administers the site through the web interface, no coding required, spends time in Central Admin and Site Settings.

How do I become a SharePoint Specialist?

A career as a SharePoint consultant requires the ability to integrate SharePoint software with other common computer programs. Qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field, work experience in a consulting environment, and communication and management skills.

How do I become a SharePoint Consultant?

How To Become A SharePoint Consultant: The Skills Required

  1. Expert Knowledge of SharePoint.
  2. Third-Party Web Parts Knowledge.
  3. Platform Development.
  4. Communication.
  5. Problem-Solving.
  6. Forward Thinking.

What does a SharePoint engineer do?

SharePoint engineers configure and manage SharePoint farms to ensure they perform optimally on a daily basis. They maintain SharePoint on the server side and handle patching, maintenance and everything in between.

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