What is the answer to 99 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to 99 on the impossible quiz?

Just wait until the bomb has 1 second left. The yellow light will turn on when the timer reaches 2, and they’ll both turn off while the green one turns on when the timer hits 1. That’s your chance to press the sign.

How many Impossible Quiz 1 questions are there?

110 questions
You must beat all 110 questions of the game in a single take, no checkpoints in-between.

What is the answer to 100 on the Impossible Quiz 1?

To complete the game, you must introduce the four-digit code that will enable the device to unlock the prison cell. If the player put these numbers together in order, he/she willl get the code he/she is looking for: 5-7-1-9.

What is the answer to question 1 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to the question is “Four”, since it’s talking about the holes in the letters that form the words “a polo”. There is one hole each in the letters A, P, and the two O’s.

What is the answer to question 5 on the impossible quiz?

You must move your cursor to the red dot as indicated by the screen, which will make the “maze” appear, along with the message “Now, don’t touch blue!” and two faces: a sad one and a happy one, with arrows pointing to the start and goal buttons respectively.

What is the answer to question 49 on the impossible quiz 1?

The choices are “Slap-Me-Do”, “Slapp-Me-Do”, “Spapp-Me-Do” and “Splapp-Me-Do”. Only one of the options is spelled correctly and that’s the bottom right one, “Splapp-Me-Do”. Click it to proceed.

What is the answer to question 4 on the impossible quiz?

Question 4 from the Impossible Quiz is the first normal question with a trick. The question says “Click the answer”, but all four option boxes are signed “out of order”. They’re all incorrect, obviously. What you must do in order to pass this question is to click on the words “the answer” on the question task.

What is the answer to question 6 on the impossible quiz?

In fact, this “question” actually consists of a statement. The correct answer here is the “What” at the beginning of the task, since the game’s actually stating that “what” is the best thing since sliced bread. Click it, and you’ll proceed right away.

How do you answer 45 on the impossible quiz?

The top left choice says “Indeed”, the top right one says “WRONG”, the bottom left option says “Why not?”, and the bottom right one says “ROFL”. The correct answer in this one, and the most sensible of the options, is of course “WRONG”, so click the top right option box to proceed.

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