What is the meaning of pea green boat?

What is the meaning of pea green boat?

pea-green boat definition, pea-green boat meaning | English dictionary. watercraft n. 1) a boat or ship or such vessels collectively 2) skill in handling boats or in water sports.

What is a pea meaning?

1a : a variable annual Eurasian vine (Pisum sativum) of the legume family that is cultivated especially for its rounded smooth or wrinkled edible protein-rich seeds. b : the seed of the pea. c peas also pease plural : the immature pods of the pea with their included seeds.

Is Pea Green an adjective?

PEA GREEN (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Why is pea green?

It is rare for seeds to be green inside. This is because light is usually necessary for part of the synthesis of chlorophyll, which is what gives peas their green colour.

Is pea green a color?

Pea Green color is primarily a color from Green color family. It is a mixture of yellow and green color.

What does Bong Tree mean?

Bong tree may refer to: Nothaphoebe umbelliflora, a tree in the laurel family. Edward Lear, who mentioned the bong tree in “The Owl and the Pussycat” “The Owl and the Pussycat”, a poem by Lear, where the famous phrase where the Bong-tree grows originates.

Is it pea or peas?

noun, plural peas, (Archaic or British Dialect) pease or peasĀ·en [pee-zuhn]. the round, edible seed of a widely cultivated plant, Pisum sativum, of the legume family.

What is full form of pea?

PEA Full Form is Presidential Executive Agreement Term.

Which colour is peas?

Pea seeds naturally appear in a variety of colours from shades of yellow to dark purples, but it is the vibrant green pea that has been exploited widely for food. However pea seeds can lose their green colour at or after seed maturity.

What color are peas?

A pea is a most commonly green, occasionally golden yellow, or infrequently purple pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a cool-season vegetable crop.

What color is pea?

Pea seeds naturally appear in a variety of colours from shades of yellow to dark purples, but it is the vibrant green pea that has been exploited widely for food. However pea seeds can lose their green colour at or after seed maturity.

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