What is the longest confirmed kill shot in military history?

What is the longest confirmed kill shot in military history?

History. The science of long-range sniping came to fruition in the Vietnam War. US Marine Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock held the record from 1967 to 2002 at 2,286 m (2,500 yd). He recorded 93 official kills.

What is the longest shot ever made by an American sniper?

Brian Kremer currently holds the American record for the longest sniper kill in Iraq, while serving with the 75th Ranger Regiment. The M82 SASR is every bit the beast it looks, firing a . 50 Browning Machine Gun round at effective ranges up to nearly 2,000 yards.

Who has the most confirmed sniper kills?

Military snipers

Name Lived Confirmed sniper kills
Carlos Hathcock 1942–1999 93
Simo Häyhä 1905–2002 505–542
Musa Herdem 1987–2015 80
Matthäus Hetzenauer 1924–2004 345

How far can a sniper rifle shoot?

Snipers typically operate at ranges between 600 and 1,200 meters, and occasionally take an enemy out from much farther away. A Canadian special forces sniper, for instance, shattered the world record for longest confirmed kill shot in 2017, shooting an ISIS fighter dead in Iraq from over two miles away.

What US soldier has the most kills?

Charles Benjamin “Chuck” Mawhinney (born 1949) is a United States Marine who holds the Corps’ record for the most confirmed sniper kills, having recorded 103 confirmed kills and 216 probable kills in 16 months during the Vietnam War….

Chuck Mawhinney
Wars Vietnam War
Other work U.S. Forest Service public speaker

Who has the most confirmed kills in the US?

Charles Benjamin “Chuck” Mawhinney (born 1949) is a United States Marine who holds the Corps’ record for the most confirmed sniper kills, having recorded 103 confirmed kills and 216 probable kills in 16 months during the Vietnam War.

Who was the deadliest American sniper?

Christopher Scott Kyle (April 8, 1974 – February 2, 2013) was a United States Navy SEAL sniper. He served four tours in the Iraq War and was awarded several commendations for acts of heroism and meritorious service in combat.

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