How many were killed by the Marburg virus?

How many were killed by the Marburg virus?

From 1967–2012, 571 cases of Marburg virus disease including 470 deaths were reported.

When was the last Marburg virus outbreak?

The 2017 Uganda Marburg virus outbreak was confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 20 October 2017 after there had been an initial fatality due to the virus….2017 Uganda Marburg virus outbreak.

Initial case= 25 September 2017 Declared ended= 2 December 2017
Uganda Uganda
Deaths 3

Who is behind Gavi?

Seth Berkley has been the CEO of Gavi since 2011, as of 2020.

What is the ultimate goal of Gavi?

Gavi strengthens outbreak preparedness and response in countries through routine immunisation support for epidemic diseases, funding of global vaccine stockpiles for outbreak response and investments in surveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases.

Where was the outbreak of Marburg virus in 2017?

Marburg virus disease – Uganda. On 17 October 2017, the Ugandan Ministry of Health notified WHO of a confirmed outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Kween District, Eastern Uganda. The Ministry for Health officially declared the outbreak on 19 October 2017.

How many cases of Marburg have there been?

Overall, one case was confirmed (fatal) and 197 contacts were followed for 3 weeks. Out of these 197 contacts, 8 developed symptoms similar to Marburg, but all tested negative at the Uganda Virus Research Institute with support from CDC 14.

How many cases of Marburg hemorrhagic fever are there?

In addition to the 31 reported cases, an additional primary case was retrospectively serologically diagnosed 2. A man with a recent travel history to Zimbabwe was admitted to hospital in South Africa. Infection spread from the man to his traveling companion and a nurse at the hospital.

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