Where is the HK part on Hoth?

Where is the HK part on Hoth?

Glacial Fissure
Hoth component can be acquired in the NE portion of Glacial Fissure, all around the wreck of Ambria’s Fury. This is one vast area to search and we finally found our component here at the locations 645, –869.

Where can I find HK-51 parts?

3. HK parts hunting

  • HK primary transistor – Tatooine – Outlaw’s Den.
  • HK chassis – Taris – Endar Spire crash site.
  • HK AI regulator – Coruscant – Jedi Temple ruins.
  • HK motivator – Dromund Kaas- Dark Temple Grounds.
  • HK Power Core – Hoth – Glacial Fissure – Ambria’s Fury.

Is HK-51 unlock for all characters?

Once you’ve unlocked HK-51 on one character, you can unlock it on all your characters through your Legacy. It costs 1,000,000 credits per character to unlock him.

How long does it take to get HK-51?

depends on how you define quickly. collecting the parts are a bit of a pain but can be done, anywhere from 10-30 minutes each depending on luck. the missions are heroic2 so not overly hard to complete.

How do you unlock HK-51 in swtor?

You need to be level 50 and go to Belsavis and enter the new daily area called Section X. The moment you disembark from the shuttle there will be a droid with a quest – he starts your HK-51 quest.

How do I start the HK-51 mission?

How do I activate HK 51?

OK, here’s the step by step solution.

  1. In the upper level, restart the HK-51 project.
  2. Go down to the main room, get dialogue, clear the room of HK-50s.
  3. Go right, to the HK-51 console.
  4. Upload the 47 template to 51s FIRST.
  5. SECOND, charge all stations.
  6. Go to the HK-50 terminal and shut down their line/blow it up.

How do I start the HK 51 mission?

How do I start hk51?

To get HK-51, you need to travel to Section X on Belsavis. There should be a droid nearby, when you get there, that will give you a [Heroic 2+] mission, and that starts the very long HK-51 quest chain, which includes a couple of solo (or tactical, or Hard Mode) flashpoints.

Do You need A Level 50 character to unlock HK-51?

So yes, you will need a level 50 character to unlock HK-51 but there might be an option in the future to unlock it for other characters in your legacy. New arrives to Section X will be greeted by a droid called G0-A1 (Empire) | B6-31 (Republic) not far from the ship landing pad.

What to do when you find a component in HK-51?

When hunting down HK-51’s components, the more people you have to cover territory, the better. Once a component is unearthed, anyone nearby, regardless of if they are in your party/ops, can loot it. If you scanner detects a component nearby, make sure to call it out so other players can benefit as well!

Why is HK 51 bind on Legecy in SWTOR?

This is because one of HK 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it is bind on legecy (i.e. you can mail it to your main) The more the merrier. When hunting down HK-51’s components, the more people you have to cover territory, the better.

Where to find the fuse in SWTOR HK-51?

The fuse is actually located on the top left corner, in a pile of garbage if you place the door on your back. Here is a map of the location, keep in mind that the map is a bit weird since it places the door to the right.

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