What is Bruce Gray known for?

What is Bruce Gray known for?

Bruce Gray (born November 14, 1956 Orange, New Jersey, died June 8, 2019 Los Angeles, California) was an artist residing in Los Angeles. His work includes kinetic art such as rolling ball machines, mobiles, stabiles, and suspended magnetic sculptures.

How old is Bruce Gray?

81 years (1936–2017)
Bruce Gray/Age at death

Who played George on Queer as Folk?

Bruce Gray
Bruce Gray (September 7, 1936 – December 13, 2017) was a Canadian actor, known for multiple roles in films and television shows for over 5 decades….Television.

Title Queer as Folk
Year 2002
Role George Schickel
Notes 5 episodes

What kind of art does Bruce Gray do?

Bruce Gray (born 1956 Orange, New Jersey) was an artist residing in Los Angeles. His work includes kinetic art such as rolling ball machines, mobiles, stabiles, and suspended magnetic sculptures. He also creates found objects sculptures such as a lifesize motorcycle sculpture constructed from train parts,…

Where did Bruce Gray Live as a child?

He moved around quite a bit as a child, and lived in several places including Brussels, Belgium, Madison, New Jersey, and Bridgewater, Massachusetts. After high school, Bruce spent 4 years in the Coast Guard as an electronics technician, and was stationed at Governors Island, New York, Cape Sarichef, Alaska, and Jupiter, Florida.

Who is Bruce Gray from Six Feet Under?

Sculptor Bruce Gray was referenced as a participating artist in the Claire Fisher art gallery scene on Six Feet Under on HBO. Season 4 Finale, Episode 12. Bruce was a former electronics technician in the US Coast Guard from 1975-1979 and reached the rank of Petty Officer Second Class.

What did Bruce Gray do in the Coast Guard?

Bruce was a former electronics technician in the US Coast Guard from 1975-1979 and reached the rank of Petty Officer Second Class. He also spent 2 years on the fire support team with the rank of sergeant in the National Guard during his college years from 1981-1982.

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