What is the meaning of armed struggle?

What is the meaning of armed struggle?

Political conflict involving weapons; (now especially) irregular, often protracted hostilities in which a rebel or nationalist group uses arms in an attempt to gain political rights or overthrow an existing government or regime.

What does Armed mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : furnished with weapons an armed guard also : using or involving a weapon. b : furnished with something that provides security, strength, or efficacy armed with knowledge. 2 : marked by the maintenance of armed forces in readiness.

What are examples of a struggle?

Struggle is defined as to do something with difficulty. An example of struggle is carrying a heavy load uphill for a long distance. To exert muscular energy, as against a material force or mass. Struggled with the heavy load.

Why did Mozambique attained her independence through armed struggle?

In Mozambique, the conflict erupted in 1964 as a result of unrest and frustration amongst many indigenous Mozambican populations, who perceived foreign rule as exploitation and mistreatment, which served only to further Portuguese economic interests in the region.

What does the word budged mean?

1 : move, shift the mule wouldn’t budge. 2 : to give way : yield wouldn’t budge on the issue. transitive verb. : to cause to move or change.

What type of word is armed?

armed used as an adjective: Equipped, especially with a weapon. (Of a weapon) prepared for use; loaded. (rarely) Having an arm or arms.

What is the full meaning of army?

There is no Full form of ARMY as such. An ARMY can be defined as a land force or a ground force that fights primarily on land. In broad sense, it is the land-based service branch, military branch, or armed service of a state or nation. However, we can say that the Full form of Army is Alert Regular Mobility Young.

What are some struggles in school?

7 Warning Signs Your Child Is Struggling in School

  • Refusal to Discuss School.
  • Attitude Changes.
  • Difficulty Sleeping or Eating.
  • Excessive Time on Homework.
  • Teacher Concerns.
  • Misbehaving at School.
  • Low Grades.

What type of move is struggle?

Normal-type move
Struggle (わるあがき Vain Struggle) is a Physical Normal-type move that cannot be learned naturally by any Pokémon. It can only be used if a Pokémon cannot use any moves, most commonly due to a lack of PP.

What is the definition of conflict in a story?

In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward.

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