Where do you apply NiQuitin clear patches?

Where do you apply NiQuitin clear patches?

The NiQuitin Clear patch should be applied promptly on removal from its protective sachet. It should be pressed firmly on the skin with the palm of hand for 10 seconds. Areas where the skin creases should be avoided. Avoid applying to any skin which is broken, red or irritated.

How many hours a day should you wear a nicotine patch?

You should wear the patch continuously for 16-24 hours, depending on the specific directions inside your nicotine patch package. The patch may be worn even while showering or bathing. Remove the patch carefully, and dispose of it by folding it in half with the sticky sides touching.

Are nicotine patches bad for your heart?

The use of nicotine patches did not cause aggravation of myocardial ischemia or arrhythmia in coronary patients and therefore can be used as a method to promote smoking cessation in this high-risk group.

Are NiQuitin patches waterproof?

Stick the patch on an area of dry, hairless skin (arm, thigh, chest, hip shoulder). Change where you stick the patch each day. Wait for a week before you stick a patch on an area that you have already used. You can shower and bathe whilst wearing a patch, because it is waterproof.

Where is the most effective place to put a nicotine patch?

Put the patch on clean, dry, hair-free skin on the upper body. Usual places to put the patch are the upper chest, upper arm, shoulder, back, or inner arm. Avoid putting the patch on areas of irritated, oily, scarred, or damaged skin.

How do you know if the nicotine patch is working?

How to know if your nicotine patch is working. Within the first week of using the patch you’ll notice that your nicotine withdrawal symptoms will start to diminish. As you stick with your quit plan, generally speaking, you should find that your cravings will lessen over time.

When to discontinue use of NiQuitin Clear patch?

Step 1: Apply NiQuitin ® Clear Patch / 14mg each day, for the first 6 weeks. After 6 weeks of use, move to Step 2. Step 2: Apply NiQuitin ® Clear Patch / 7mg each day, for weeks 6-8. After 2 weeks, you may feel ready to discontinue use. What is Unique Smart Control Technology™?

When to use NiQuitin 24 hour craving relief?

Apply Niquitin ® Clear Patch / 21mg each day, for 24-hour craving relief. Niquitin® Patches are the only nicotine patch products to contain Smart Control Technology TM. Available in clear or opaque. If you smoke 10 or more cigarettes each day, this is recommended as Step 1 (weeks 1-6) of the 10 week step-down program.

How many cigarettes do you have to smoke to get NiQuitin patch?

If you currently smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day, we recommend our 10 week program, starting with a 21mg nicotine patch. If you smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day, we recommend our 8 week program which starts with our 14mg nicotine patch.

Which is the best nicotine patch for 24 hour craving relief?

Apply Niquitin ® Clear Patch / 14mg each day, for 24-hour craving relief. Niquitin ® Patches are the only nicotine patch products to contain Smart Control Technology TM.

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