What are some examples of the prefix ex?

What are some examples of the prefix ex?

ex- 1 ,prefix. ex- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “out, out of, away, forth. ” It is found in such words as: exclude, exhale, exit, export, extract.

What is the prefixes of ex?

ex- 1. a prefix meaning “out of,” “from,” and hence “utterly,” “thoroughly,” and sometimes meaning “not” or “without” or indicating a former title, status, etc.; freely used as an English formative: exstipulate; exterritorial; ex-president (former president); ex-member; ex-wife.

What words begin with the prefix ex?


  • exalt.
  • exams.
  • excel.
  • execs.
  • exert.
  • exile.
  • exine.
  • How do you use the prefix ex?

    The prefix “ex” appears at the start of many English words. However, the correct punctuation for a word will depend on how you are using this prefix: When using “ex” to mean “former,” add a hyphen (e.g., ex-boyfriend). In all other cases, do not add a hyphen after “ex” (e.g., exit, explode, explain).

    What does the prefix pre mean?

    1a(1) : earlier than : prior to : before Precambrian prehistoric. (2) : preparatory or prerequisite to premedical. b : in advance : beforehand precancel prepay.

    Is ex short for example?

    Ex. is actually an English abbreviation. Many people think that it’s the short form of “example,” but it actually stands for “exercise.” Now that we understand what each abbreviation actually stands for, it becomes much easier to use them properly.

    Does ex mean example?

    What are words that start with pre?

    13-letter words that start with pre

    • preoccupation.
    • precipitation.
    • preponderance.
    • precautionary.
    • preproduction.
    • premenopausal.
    • preconception.
    • preindustrial.

    What words have ex in them?


    • extraordinary.
    • homosexuality.
    • extracellular.
    • expeditionary.
    • expressionism.
    • inexhaustible.
    • contextualize.
    • unexceptional.

    What are ex words?

    13-letter words that start with ex

    • extraordinary.
    • extracellular.
    • expeditionary.
    • expressionism.
    • exhibitionism.
    • extrajudicial.
    • excommunicate.
    • extragalactic.

    What are examples of pre?

    Pre is defined as something that happens before the next word. An example of the pre prefix is preschool or school you attend before you officially start school. An example of the pre prefix is preheat, or to heat an oven before you put something in to cook. Before the usual or expected time for doing so.

    What are some pre words?

    What are some words that begin with ex?

    14-letter words that start with ex. expressionless. extraordinaire. extracorporeal. exceptionalism. existentialism. extemporaneous.

    Which is the best definition for the prefix ex?

    ex- 1. 1. a prefix occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, meaning “out, out of, away, forth” ( egregious; exclude; exhale; exit; export; extract ), used also to signify that the action of a base verb has been carried to a conclusive point ( effect; effete; erase; exaggerate; excite; exhaust ), esp. in causative formations ( evacuate; effeminate; exhilarate; expurgate) or privative formations, including adjectives ( emasculate; enervate; exonerate; exsanguine ).

    What do the prefixes ex before the word mean?

    Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix ex-, with its variants e- and ec-, mean “out .” Examples using this prefix include ex ceed, e ject, and ec centric. An easy way to remember that the prefix ex- means “out” is through the word ex it, for when you ex it a room, you go “out” of it.

    What words contain ex?

    17 letter words containing ex. dextroamphetamine. exopolysaccharide. hexachlorobenzene. extraordinariness. extraprofessional. extraterrestrials.

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