What taut means?

What taut means?

1a : having no give or slack : tightly drawn a taut rope. b : high-strung, tense taut nerves. 2a : kept in proper order or condition a taut ship. b(1) : not loose or flabby taut skin.

Who is a taut person?

If a person or their body is taut, they are very lean with firm muscles. That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut. 3. adjective. If someone has a taut expression, they look very worried and tense.

Is taut a Scrabble word?

Yes, taut is in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use prim in a sentence?

Prim in a Sentence 🔉

  1. My prim coworker refused to dance, but the rest of my coworkers weren’t afraid to jump right in.
  2. The prudish princess has a reputation for being overly prim and proper.
  3. Etiquette classes helped teach the girls how to behave as prim young ladies.

What is a taut voice?

Taut is a more sophisticated way of saying “tight” when something is pulled tight. If a person’s voice is taut, it is strained, tense, and nervous sounding.

How do you use taught and taut in a sentence?

Test yourself

  1. The cuffs attached to my wrists stretched. taut. taught. as I embraced Gage.
  2. But there was no change in the. taut. taught.
  3. Life had. taught. taut.
  4. But eventually, he. taught. taut.
  5. Had she. taught. taut.
  6. The rope, which should have been. taut. taught.
  7. He had. taught. taut.
  8. The old dog had, it seemed, been. taught. taut.

How do you spell taut?

How to spell. The word above “Taut” is the correct spelling for the word. It is very easy to misspell a word like Taut, therefore you can use TellSpell as a spell checker.

What are some examples of taut?

The definition of taut is pulled or stretched tight. An example of taut is a strong wind pulling the sail tight on a boat. An example of taut is a person’s smile being pulled into a straight line. 41. Some of the most common applications of the taut-line are while camping.

What is the definition of taut?

Definition of taut. (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : having no give or slack : tightly drawn a taut rope. b : high-strung, tense taut nerves. 2a : kept in proper order or condition a taut ship. b(1) : not loose or flabby taut skin. (2) : marked by economy of structure and detail a taut story.

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