Where can I find the Palmenhaus in Vienna?

Where can I find the Palmenhaus in Vienna?

DATA PRIVACY STATEMENT Burggarten 1 – 1010 Wien T: +43 1 533 10 33 E: [email protected] Menu breakfast -01pm lunch menu week days – 3pm main menu-Wine-Beverages Cocktails Contact Burggarten 1 1010 Wien – Österreich +43 1 533 10 33 [email protected] Find Us Opening hours mo-thu: 10:00 – 23:00 / kitchen until 21:30

Is the Emporensaal part of the Palmenhaus?

From the gallery you also get to the adjoining Emporensaal, which can, for instance, be used as a lounge during gala events. The large windows towards the Palmenhaus contribute to the charm of this unique ensemble between the Gesellschaftshaus and the green oasis of Frankfurt.

How big is the ceiling in the Palmenhaus?

The Gesellschaftshaus and the Palmenhaus are extraordinary venues for gala events, jubilee celebrations, balls, fashion shows, concerts or exhibitions. Only ballroom in Germany with a 120 m² large daylight ceiling

Where are the function rooms in the Gesellschaftshaus?

The 100 m² large function room Orchidee is in the western part of the Gesellschaftshaus on the first floor and boasts a wonderful view of the large lake of the Palmengarten. With a modern partition wall, the room can be subdivided into two equally sized rooms (Orchidee 1 + 2).

Where is the Burggarten Garden in Vienna located?

The Burggarten Vienna Garden (B1/B2/C2) was laid out in the year 1818 as a private garden of the emperor on an area of approx. 38.000 m². It is located directly at the Ringstrasse beside the Hofburg and the Albertina.

Where to watch butterflies at Burggarten in Vienna?

You can drink or eat a fine meal there in a stylish surrounding between up to 10 m high palm trees. If you seat nearby the left part of the building, you can watch the butterflies through a glass wall. The terrace of the palm house is also a very nice place to stay. At a (coffee) break you can enjoy the view down to the Burggarten Vienna.

How much is the butterfly house in Vienna?

The emperor used his private green house for relaxing and brought with it the nature into the center of Vienna. In the left part you can find the butterfly house where the visitor can watch exotic, free flying butterflies in a close to tropical nature recreated surrounding. The entrance fee is approximately 7,00 Euro.

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