What is FB short for?

What is FB short for?

FB is defined as an abbreviation for Facebook, a social networking site. An example of FB is the way you talk about Facebook on Twitter, using the hashtag #fb. abbreviation.

What are short forms for words?

An abbreviation is a shortening of a word or a phrase. An acronym is an abbreviation that forms a word. An initialism is an abbreviation that uses the first letter of each word in the phrase (thus, some but not all initialisms are acronyms).

What is the full form of YouTube?

The full form of YouTube is You + Tube. It’s used on Computing ,Internet in Worldwide. YouTube is a free video-sharing website owned by Google. The name “YouTube” is said to be derived from “You” which means you (from the fact that the video came from you) and “Tube” means television (cathode ray tube).

Is it OK to use short forms on Facebook?

Obviously we can’t post all of them here and it’s of no use either cuz it’s of no use and it confuses the other person while chatting. But chatting by using these given short forms makes it really short and cool as well. We have a list of some hidden Facebook smileys too.

What are some short words used in chat?

Informality is the soul of chat. Smileys, pictures, videos and chat short words all are common in a chat. You may have seen LOL, OMG like chat slang on your Facebook, Google Plus, or any other chat rooms.

What are some abbreviations you can use on Facebook?

44 most commonly used shortforms/abbreviations while chatting on Facebook. 1 ASAP: As Soon As Possible. 2 ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location. 3 B4: Before. 4 B4U: Before You. 5 BRB: Be Right Back. 6 BTW: By The Way. 7 B/W: Between. 8 Cuz: Because (most commonly used on FacebooKnol as well ) 9 FYI: For Your Info. 10 FB: Facebook.

What are some abbreviations for the word F?

“F” Text Message / Chat Abbreviations : F: Meaning female: F2F: Face to face: F2P: Free to play (online gaming) F4F: Follow for follow (Instagram) FAAK: Falling asleep at keyboard: FAB: Fabulous: Facepalm: Used to represent the gesture of “smacking your forehead with your palm” to express embarrassment or frustration: FAF: Funny as *freak* FAM

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