Why is it important to cite your sources when writing a paper?

Why is it important to cite your sources when writing a paper?

Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves three purposes: It gives proper credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you incorporated into your paper. It allows those who are reading your work to locate your sources, in order to learn more about the ideas that you include in your paper.

How do you do numeric referencing?

It is arranged alphabetically by the author‟s surname. The way material is cited in the text and at the end of the work. Numbers are used instead of the author‟s last name to identify a source in the text. The list of references at the end is arranged in numerical order.

Do I need to number my references?

A bibliography is a list of all works you used in preparation of the work, but which were not necessarily cited/referred to. This list must not be numbered. When there is no author, use the title. References in your reference list must be a full description of the in–text references (citations).

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