When planning a narrative essay the writer should order events?

When planning a narrative essay the writer should order events?

When a writer is planning a narrative, the order of events should be placed in such a manner that it develops interest among the readers. This can be done by developing a conflict in the midde of the essay which makes the narration less boring and repitative.

What is the most likely reason Gabriel chose to write his essay with this point of you?

Answer. The Gabriel chooses to write his essay with the first person point of view. Because the first person point of view is used to connect the reader with the narrator easily. This makes the reader understand the essay clearly.

What should a writer plan to include in the end of a narrative?

a description of the setting a reflection on what was learned an identification of the major people involved a description of the challenges and obstacles a discussion about how the experience caused change.

When revising a narrative essay the writer should include that allows the reader to see smell hear feel and taste what is going on in the story?

Answer Expert Verified. Hello! When revising a narrative essay, the writer should include sensory language that allows the reader to see, smell, hear, feel, and taste. Sensory language, which is our answer.

Which sentence is feature a first person point of view check all that apply?

Answer: “My friend likes cars with a lot of horsepower, but I prefer good gas mileage.” This sentence features first-person point of view. “I spent last night studying for the geometry test we’re taking in fifth period.” This sentence has first-person point of view.

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