How many spaces do you put after a sentence?

How many spaces do you put after a sentence?

With a typewriter, it makes sense to add an extra space to make it clear that the sentence has ended. Today’s word-processing software makes fonts proportional, though, which is why we only need one space.

Are you supposed to put one or two spaces after a period?

According to the AP Stylebook, single-spacing is correct. The same goes for the Chicago Manual of Style. However, the Modern Language Association Style Center offers different advice, and suggests that writers use a single space after a period unless they have been explicitly told otherwise.

Do you put spaces after?

With a computer, use only one space following periods, commas, semicolons, colons, exclamation points, question marks, and quotation marks. The space needed after these punctuation marks is proportioned automatically. Use no spaces on either side of a hyphen.

Can you say but after a period?

no, you shouldn’t. it would be a bad phrase to do that. you usually put a comma after but, and, or, any other connecting words. I’ve done it occasionally and I’ve seen people do it.

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