How has your education contributed to who you are today essay?

How has your education contributed to who you are today essay?

My education has contributed to who I am today because it has made me a more knowledgeable person, which, in my eyes, makes me a better person. For example, my education will give me the opportunity to become a United States voter, being able to make wise and educated decisions on the future of our country.

How does school influence you as a person?

School influenced me in many different ways such as teaching me about myself in preparing around others. School can make you reflect on yourself and if you are capable of being a leader. It helps me to understand the importance of my future as well as learn from your mistakes in progress in substain better.

How does college change your life?

A college degree opens up more opportunities, even in fields that aren’t in your major. Improve Discipline and Develop Strong Character. Obtaining a degree takes discipline and a will to succeed. By getting your degree, you overcome procrastination and learn to do what it takes to reach your goal.

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