Where Are You Going Where have you been by Joyce Carol Oates short summary?

Where Are You Going Where have you been by Joyce Carol Oates short summary?

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is a short story by Joyce Carol Oates in which fifteen-year-old Connie encounters the insidious Arnold Friend. Rebellious teenager Connie enjoys partying at the drive-in with her friends. One Sunday, Connie is home alone when a boy she met at the drive-in comes to her house.

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been style?

Joyce considers her writing style as experimental. On Where are you going, Where have you been, Joyce Carol Oates makes an ordinary tale into an extraordinary tale by combining two powerful subjects in which it consists of the modern rock hero and the ancient demon lover.

What is the theme of Where Are You Going Where have you been?

The main themes of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” are appearance versus reality, the embodiment of evil, and self-sacrifice. Appearance vs. reality: Both Connie and Arnold have two-sided natures, presenting an appealing self when necessary and withholding another.

What color is Connie’s hair?


What is Connie’s initial reaction when Arnold friend pulls up to her house in his gold painted car?

What is Connie’s initial reaction when Arnold Friend pulls up to her house in his gold-painted car? She worries about how she looks.

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