How should a works cited page be arranged?

How should a works cited page be arranged?

In general, works cited lists are arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name. If the author is unknown, entries are alphabetized by the first word in their titles (note, however, to drop A, An, or The). Titles of books, periodicals, newspapers, and films are italicized.

Do numbers go at the end of works cited?

Do numbers go before letters in works cited MLA? Numbers do not go before letters in an MLA works cited. Numbers are listed in alphabetical order as if they were spelled out. So, an organization with a number like ’24/7Service’, would be alphabetized as if it said, ‘twenty-four-seven service’.

How do you edit a works cited page?

Edit a sourceIf you need to edit a source, on the References tab, click Citations, and then click the settings button in the bottom right corner of the Citations Edit Source.Make the changes you want to the source, and then click OK.

What is the correct date format for MLA citations?

Answered By: Katie Hutchison. Aug 18, In MLA “Employment Opportunities,” use month/date/year format with numerals. Use numerals, unless the year is at the beginning of a sentence. When referring to a decade, never use an apostrophe before the “s.”

What would appear first on a works cited page?

Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the first term in each entry (the first author’s last name or the title of the work when there is no author). Continue with the numbering convention used throughout the paper by including your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of the Works Cited page.

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