How can death penalty be a good thing?

How can death penalty be a good thing?

It makes it impossible for criminals to do bad things over and over again. Executing someone permanently stops the worst criminals and means we can all feel safer, as they can’t commit any more crimes. If they were in prison they might escape, or be let out for good behaviour.

What is a good thesis statement for the death penalty?

Thesis Statements: The death penalty should be administered for particularly heinous crimes.

What are connected words?

It is also fundamental to be aware of the sometimes subtle meaning of these “small” words within the English language. “Linking Words” is used as a term to denote a class of English words which are employed to link or connect parts of speech or even whole sentences. They are also called connecting words.

What are linking words used for?

Linking words and phrases are used to show relationships between ideas. They can be used to join 2 or more sentences or clauses (a clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a verb).

What are connective words and phrases?

A connective is a word or phrase that links clauses or sentences. Connectives can be conjunctions (eg but, when, because) or connecting adverbs (eg however, then, therefore).

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