How do I find an address for someone in Ontario?

How do I find an address for someone in Ontario?

How to Find the Address of Someone in Ontario, Canada

  1. Visit the Numberway website to access Canadian phone books online.
  2. Enter the last name of the person you’re seeking and a first name or first initial in the appropriate search fields.
  3. Select “Ontario” as the province to search and click “People Search.”

How do you write a Canadian address?

Tips for addressing letters and parcels mailed within Canada

  1. Write in uppercase letters (also known as block letters).
  2. Put information such as title or floor above the street address.
  3. Put a hyphen between the unit/suite/apartment number and the street number.
  4. Abbreviate the street type.
  5. Abbreviate the street direction.

What zip code is Ontario Canada?

Using Canadian Postal Codes

Lower Postal Code Upper Postal Code Area of Local Multiplier
K0G 0A0 K0H 9Z9 Ontario Average
K0J 0B0 K0M 9Z9 Ontario Average
K1A 0A0 K4A 9Z9 Ottawa
K6V 0A0 K6V 9Z9 Brockville

How do I find someone in Ontario?

Find people in Ontario by doing a people search at Ontario White Pages. Click on “People Search” and enter the person’s first and last name. Click “Find” to locate people you know in Ontario.

How do I find a person’s address by their name?


  1. Go to the website.
  2. Enter the name, city, and state of the person you’re looking for.
  3. Click the magnifying glass.
  4. Click View Details next to the person’s name to find their current and past addresses.

How do I send a letter to Canada?

USPS Postage to Canada As of 2020, stamps for standard-sized letters and standard-sized postcards up to 1 ounce start at $1.15. You can mail a first-class letter up to 3.5 ounces — costing $2.08 —before flat-rate charges apply. Sending a standard-sized postcard costs $1.15.

How do I find a person’s address for free?

The and . net engines also provide a reverse number search. If you have just a telephone number, you can search for someone’s address as well. White page listings include,,,, and

How do you address a letter to Ontario Canada?

Use capital letters for the entire address. Use the third line of the envelope for the recipient’s city, province and postal code. After you list the city and a space, include the appropriate abbreviation for the province. For example, list “ON” for Ontario.

How do you find an address in Canada?

Go to the “Find an Address” link under the “Find a Postal Code” tab. Type in the postal code. A full address should appear. Go to Google Maps to find the physical location of an address. After going to the Google Maps site, type in the address of the location you want to find.

How do you verify a Canadian address?

Go to the Canadian postal service website. Click on the language in which you want to read the instructions: English or French; then click on “Find a Postal Code” tab. Fill in the required information, which is denoted by a star next to the field; click the “Find” button.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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