What are the subject areas for extended essay?

What are the subject areas for extended essay?

Choosing a Subject for Your Extended Essay

  • Dance.
  • Global Politics.
  • Literature and Performance.
  • Music.
  • Studies in Language and Literature.
  • Theatre.
  • Visual Arts.

What are the 5 assessment criteria for the EE?

EE Assessment – Questions for Students to Consider

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method.
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding.
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking.
  • Criterion D: Presentation.
  • Criterion E: Engagement.

What is the criteria of the extended essay?

The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. Given that the extended essay is a formally written research paper, it should strive to maintain a professional, academic look.

Is extended essay for every subject?

What is the Extended Essay? The Extended Essay (known as the ‘EE’), together with CAS and TOK, is a core component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, and is mandatory for all students, regardless of the subjects they are taking.

What is the best subject for EE?

english and history are by far the easiest to do well in.

What is a good IB score?

What is a good score in IB? An IB score of 38 points out of a maximum of 45 is equivalent to five A grades at A-level. A score of 30 IB points reflects three and a half A’s at A level, which is enough to gain admission to most good universities in the UK (Oxbridge would require higher results).

What is a passing grade for extended essay?

Grades A (highest) to E (lowest) have been awarded for both theory of knowledge and an extended essay, with a grade of at least D in one of them. There is no grade 1 in any subject. There is no more than one grade 2 at higher level.

What score do you need to pass the extended essay?

Student must have a score of D or higher in both Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay (no E score). Student must earn at least 24 total points. (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest HL grades will count toward this total).

What are 3 things the student is strongly recommended to do as part of the EE process?

It is strongly recommended that students: • start work early • think very carefully about the research question for their essay • plan how, when and where they will find material for their essay • plan a schedule for both researching and writing the essay, including extra time for delays andunforeseen problems • record …

What score do you need to pass the EE?

The overall maximum points from subject grades and TOK/EE is therefore 45 ((6 × 7) + 3). The minimum threshold for completing the programme is 24 points, below which the diploma is not awarded.

Can you fail your EE?

A student who fails to submit an extended essay will not be awarded a diploma. The EE is an essay, not a report or a descriptive or narrative essay. It must have a HYPOTHESIS (or point of view) that is effectively argued or defended.

What is the easiest subject for an extended essay?

What should be the style of an extended essay?

The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. Given that the extended essay is a formally written research paper, it should strive to maintain a professional, academic look.

Is the extended essay required for the International Baccalaureate?

Extended essay. The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students.

How is the structure of an essay appropriate?

The structure of the essay is clearly appropriate to the conventions of the topic, argument and subject. Aspects of the layout are applied correctly. The structure and layout support the reading, understanding and evaluation of the essay. To what extent does the RPPF show reflection on decision making and planning?

What are the six elements of an extended essay?

Six required elements of the extended essay: 1 Title page 2 Contents page 3 Introduction 4 Body of the essay 5 Conclusion 6 References and bibliography — if MLA “Works Cited” if CSE “References”

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