What is Revinfo?

What is Revinfo?

Additionaly, there is a “REVINFO” table generated, which contains only two fields: the revision id and revision timestamp. A row is inserted into this table on each new revision, that is, on each commit of a transaction, which changes audited data.

What is Revinfo table?

The revinfo table stores the revision number and its epoch timestamp while the post_AUD table stores the entity snapshot at a particular revision. In Envers terminology, a revision stands for a database transaction that has either inserted, updated, or deleted the audited entity.

How do Envers work?

1 Answer. Hibernate Envers provides a very simple solution for CDC (Change Data Capture). It uses the Hibernate Event system to intercept all entity state transitions and audit them. The database transaction will roll back and both the actual changes and the audit log is rolled back.

What is Envers hibernate?

The Envers module is a core Hibernate model that works both with Hibernate and JPA. In fact, you can use Envers anywhere Hibernate works whether that is standalone, inside WildFly or JBoss AS, Spring, Grails, etc. The Envers module aims to provide an easy auditing / versioning solution for entity classes.

How do you implement Envers?

How to Implement Conditional Auditing with Hibernate Envers

  1. 1 A Simple Example.
  2. 2 Customize Envers’ Event Listeners. 2.1 Customize the Handling of EventType.PRE_UPDATE Events. 2.2 Customize the Handling of EventType.POST_UPDATE Events.
  3. 3 Register your Listener Implementations.
  4. 4 Write a Conditional Audit Log.
  5. 5 Summary.

How does hibernate audit work?

Audit an entity If you want to audit all changes of an entity, you have to annotate it with @Audited. That tells Hibernate Envers to audit the values of all attributes for all create, update and delete operations. You can, of course, apply additional annotations and configuration to adapt the audit to your needs.

How do I change my table name in Revinfo?

1 Answer. Create a custom revision entity (annotate it with @RevisionEntity ) and then you can specify the name of the table in the usual way.

How are Hibernate Envers implemented?

Hibernate Envers – Getting started

  1. 1 Project Setup. 1.1 REVINFO. 1.2 An audit table for each entity.
  2. 2 Audit an entity.
  3. 3 Retrieve basic audit information. 3.1 Get all revisions of an entity. 3.2 Get active revision at a given date.
  4. 4 Summary.

What is @audited annotation?

Annotation Type Audited. @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value={TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) public @interface Audited. When applied to a class, indicates that all of its properties should be audited. When applied to a field, indicates that this field should be audited.

What is @audited in hibernate?

If you want to audit all changes of an entity, you have to annotate it with @Audited. That tells Hibernate Envers to audit the values of all attributes for all create, update and delete operations.

How do I enable JPA auditing?

Enabling JPA Auditing. To start, we want to enable auditing via annotation configuration. In order to do that, just add @EnableJpaAuditing on your @Configuration class: @Configuration @EnableTransactionManagement @EnableJpaRepositories @EnableJpaAuditing public class PersistenceConfig { }

What is @enablejpaauditing?

Manika Singh. Mar 31, 2019·2 min read. Auditing of entities in an application is a crucial part to store information about the updated time and authors of changes made to the entity. It helps us in tracking and logging user activity across the application.

When to use custom revinfo table in hibernate envers?

In your project if you don’t want to use the default revinfo table then you should make changes given in the tutorial. In Hibernate envers its possible to use the custom revinfo table in your application. The Hibernate envers is used to manage the versions of the data which is updated in the database over the time.

How to create and delete entities in envers?

Just putting the Envers jar on the classpath is enough – listeners will be registered automatically. And that’s all – you can create, modify and delete the entities as always. If you look at the generated schema for your entities, or at the data persisted by Hibernate, you will notice that there are no changes.

How to automatically create audit tables in envers?

Envers automatically creates audit tables if hibernate.hbm2ddl.autooption is set to create, create-dropor update. Otherwise, to export complete database schema programatically, use org.hibernate.tool.EnversSchemaGenerator.

How does the envers library work with Hibernate?

The library works with Hibernate and requires Hibernate Annotations or Entity Manager. For the auditing to work properly, the entities must have immutable unique identifiers (primary keys). You can use Envers wherever Hibernate works: standalone, inside JBoss AS, with JBoss Seam or Spring.

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