What is dual paced rhythm?
Dual-chamber pacing: Atrial sensed, ventricular paced. This 12-lead ECG tracing with rhythm strips shows a ventricular paced rhythm, but each ventricular paced beat is preceded by a sinus P wave (sinus rate of 55 bpm).
What is endocardial pacing?
Endocardial LV pacing has a number of potential advantages over conventional LV epicardial pacing, including a more physiological endocardial-to-epicardial transmural activation sequence, a faster ventricular activation, a larger choice of stimulation sites and a potential superior hemodynamic performance.
What does V paced mean?
Ventricular pacing occurs if no native ventricle activity for set time following atrial activity. Atrial channel function is suspend during a fixed periods following atrial and ventricular activity to prevent sensing ventricular activity or retrograde p waves as native atrial activity.
What does 3 pacer spikes mean?
The underlying rhythm is atrial flutter with 3rd degree AV block and ventricular escape rhythm at 30 bpm. In the middle, three pacing spikes are seen at 60 ppm in VOO mode: the first is ventricular refractory (failed capture).
What is Pace rhythm?
Definition. An electrocardiographic finding in which the cardiac rhythm is controlled by an electrical impulse from an artificial cardiac pacemaker. (
Where are pacing wires placed?
In temporary cardiac pacing, wires are inserted through the chest (during heart surgery), or a large vein in the groin or neck, and are directly connected to the heart. These wires are connected to an external pacing box, which delivers a current to the heart to make it beat normally.
How does Ebstein’s anomaly lead to a small right ventricular chamber?
In Ebstein anomaly, the tricuspid valve sits lower than normal in the right ventricle. This makes it so that a portion of the right ventricle becomes part of the right atrium, causing the right atrium to enlarge and not work properly. Also, the tricuspid valve’s leaflets are abnormally formed.
What is pacing in pacemaker?
The two basic functions of the pacemaker system are pacing and sensing. Pacing refers to depolarization of the atria or ventricles, resulting from an impulse (typically 0.5 msec and 2 to 5 volts) delivered from the generator down a lead to the heart.
What causes pacer spikes on ECG?
This typically results in the appearance of too many pacing spikes, as seen on ECG (Fig. 3). The main causes of undersensing are pacemaker programming problems (improper sensing threshold), insufficient myocardial voltage signal, lead or pacer failure (fibrosis, fracture, etc.), or an electrolyte abnormality.