What is the zip code for Harriman?

What is the zip code for Harriman?

Harriman/Zip codes

What county is Harriman Tennessee in?

Roane County

Is Harriman TN a safe place to live?

The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Harriman is 1 in 29. Based on FBI crime data, Harriman is not one of the safest communities in America. Relative to Tennessee, Harriman has a crime rate that is higher than 84% of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes.

What is the zip code for Kingston Tennessee?

Kingston/Zip codes

What is Rockwood zip code?

Rockwood/Zip codes

Is Harriman Tennessee a good place to live?

Harriman is a great place to live. Harriman is very close to big cities and have lots of things going on with the chamber and other events. Only good experience in Harriman is meeting great people. Other than that it’s boring, nothing to do other than when it’s football season.

What is Harriman TN known for?

In 1905, Harriman’s founders established the American Temperance University to promote their social doctrine. The building is referred to as The Temperance Building and is one of Harriman’s most beloved historical landmarks. It is listed on the National Historic Registry. The Temperance heritage was slow to depart.

What is the crime rate in Harriman TN?

The rate of crime in Harriman is 36.47 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. People who live in Harriman generally consider the south part of the city to be the safest.

What county is Kingston TN?

Kingston was founded in 1799 and is the second oldest city in Tennessee. It was the state capital for one day on September 21, 1807, and remains the county seat for Roane County.

What is elevation of Kingston TN?

233 m

Is Rockwood TN on Central time?

Current local time in Rockwood, Roane County, Tennessee, Eastern Time Zone – daylight saving time change dates 2021.

What is the area code for Rockwood Tennessee?

Area code 865
Rockwood/Area codes

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