What type of character is Mrs Lyons?

What type of character is Mrs Lyons?

Mrs Lyons is a very lonely woman, who is the opposite of her employee Mrs Johnstone. At the start of the play, she is alone in her large home as her husband often works away on business – and is away for nine months at this point.

What does Mr Lyons represent in Blood Brothers?

Mickey and his family represent the working classes, who were badly affected by the economic downturn, whereas Edward and the Lyons family embody the middle classes, who thrived in the 1980s.

What class is Mrs Lyons in Blood Brothers?

Middle Class

Mrs Johnstone Mrs Lyons
Working Class Middle Class
Gullible Manipulative
Seven children Childless
Poor Rich

Who is the most important character in Blood Brothers?

The main characters in Blood Brothers are the twins Mickey Johnstone and Edward Lyons, and their mothers Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons. Mickey and Edward’s friend Linda, who becomes Mickey’s wife, is also an important character.

What characters does the narrator play in Blood Brothers?

The Narrator represents the consciences of the mothers here, reflecting their inability to truly move on from their actions at the start of the play. During happy moments of Blood Brothers, the Narrator reminds the audience that this happiness can only be fleeting , as the twins will inevitably die.

What is Johnstone’s first name?

Barbara Dickson

Character Original West End 1983 First U.K. Tour/West End Revival 1987
Mrs. Johnstone Barbara Dickson Kiki Dee
Mrs. Jennifer Lyons Wendy Murray Joanne Zorian
Edward ‘Eddie’ Lyons Andrew C. Wadsworth Robert Locke
Michael ‘Micky’ Johnstone George Costigan Con O’Neill

What does Mrs Lyons represent?

Johnstone represent the division between the middle class and the working class. Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Johnstone represent the unison of the middle class and the working class.

What does Mrs Lyons want 50 from Mr Lyons for?

Lyons tells her husband that she doesn’t want Mrs. Her husband says that she should do whatever she wants, and he tries to leave for a meeting. Then Mrs. Lyons asks him to give her some money: fifty pounds.

What is the differences between Mrs Johnstone and Mrs. Lyons?

Both of the two characters are different in their own way. For example, Mrs Lyons is evil and nasty unlike Mrs Johnstone who is kind and caring. The other two differences we found out between the two characters was Mrs Lyons is manipulative and Mrs Johnstone is gullible.

How does Russell create sympathy for Lyons?

Key characters: Mrs Lyons Before this section, Russell establishes some sympathy for Mrs Lyons as she reveals that she and her husband hoped to have children but could not. This sympathy is soon undermined as she manipulatively persuades Mrs Johnstone to agree to give up her child.

Where is Mr Lyons in Blood Brothers?

Mr Lyons is Mrs Lyons’s husband and he believes he is Edward’s father. In the play he: is away on business at the start of the play so he believes Edward to be his own son.

Why does the narrator in Blood Brothers speak in rhyme?

The Narrator’s role is to introduce and explain the story. He is first to speak on stage and does so directly to the audience: “Did you hear the story of the Johnstone twins?”

How is Mrs Lyons like this in Blood Brothers?

Finally, Mrs Lyons is the person who reveals to Mickey that Edward and Linda are involved in a romance, pointing them out to him. How is Mrs Lyons like this? Mrs Lyons quickly reveals to Mrs Johnstone that she is unhappy and isolated due to her husband being absent and them being unable to have children.

Who are the main characters in Blood Brothers?

The main characters in Blood Brothers are Mickey Johnstone and Edward Lyons, and their mothers, Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons. Learn about the complicated and difficult lives they lead.

What does Mrs Johnstone mean in Blood Brothers?

It means, Mrs. Johnstone, that these brothers shall grow up, unaware of the other’s existence. They shall be raised apart and never, ever told what was once the truth. You won’t tell anyone about this, Mrs. Johnstone, because if you do, you will kill them.

How did Mrs Lyons get involved with Edward?

When Edward is a teenager and openly spends his time with Mickey and Linda, Mrs Lyons’ mental health deteriorates, leading her to attempt to attack Mrs Johnstone with a knife when she refuses to move away. Finally, Mrs Lyons is the person who reveals to Mickey that Edward and Linda are involved in a romance, pointing them out to him.

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