Who is dosar baniya?

Who is dosar baniya?

Dosar, also known as Dhusar, is a Vaishya community in North India that originated in the Dhosi hill region near Rewari in the Indian state of Haryana. Some court cases are pending which states that roots of this caste are not connected with vaishya (baniya) samaj and demands separate caste group for them.

Is vaishya a OBC?

Vaishya Vani is a sub-caste of Vaishyas, one of the varnas of Hinduism. OBC status was given to Vaishya Vanis in 2008 , which later got removed in 2011. At present some Vaishya Vanis fall under OBC and some under General category.

How many types of baniya are there?

There are six subgroups among the Bania—the Bisa or Vaish Aggarwal, Dasa or Gata Aggarwal, Saralia, Saraogi or Jain, Maheshwari or Shaiva and Oswal. The Bisa believe that they are descendents of the 17 snake daughters of Bashak Nag (cobra) who married the 17 sons of Ugarsain.

Which is the highest caste in vaishya?

Vaishya, also spelled Vaisya, third highest in ritual status of the four varnas, or social classes, of Hindu India, traditionally described as commoners.

Are Jains vaishya?

certainly in Kasha Khatauli and Sardhana, all the Jains are Agarwal Vaishyas. Both the plaintiff and the defendants belong to this caste. The distinction between the Bisas and the DaSas is not a distinction which exists by reason of the fact that the parties are Jains., It is a distinction between^ them as Agarwals.

Is vaishya a lower caste?

Vaishyas played an important part of the society, but were still considered a part of the lower caste. They started to support anti-Brahmin sects such as Buddhism and Jainism, which are reformist religious beliefs (Vaishyas). The Sudras are the lowest rank of the Caste System. They are normally artisans and laborers.

Are Guptas Baniyas?

Agarwals and Guptas usually belong to the Hindu Baniya caste—communities traditionally involved in trade and commerce, and known for their business acumen. In fact, the Mint newspaper reported in 2011, that many Indian billionaires were Baniyas.

What did the Dosar Vaishya community do in ancient times?

The Dosar Vaishya community has a royal background in ancient times. In ancient times, people from dosar vaishya community were zamindars, kings or traders of weapons & ayurvedic medicines. Basically, it is a minority caste because very less number of people belongs to this caste comparatively.

What kind of job does a Vaishya have?

Vaishyas are classed third in the order of caste hierarchy below the Kshatriyas who are classed second and who in turn are classed below the Brahmins who are classed highest above all the four castes. The occupation of Vaishyas comprise mainly agriculture, trade and other business pursuits.

What was the caste of the Vaishyas in India?

India: Caste of India >Vaishyas (originally peasants but later merchants), and Shudras (artisans and labourers). The particular varnain which a jatiis ranked depends in part on its relative level of “impurity,” determined by the group’s traditional contact with any of a number of “pollutants,” including blood, menstrual…

Where does Vaishya rank in Hindu social order?

Vaishya is one of the four varnas of the Hindu social order in India. Vaishya’s are classed third in the order of caste hierarchy below Kshatriya ‘s who are ranked second below the Bramhin ‘s who are ranked first and are placed the highest above all the four castes.

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