How do I contact KDU?

How do I contact KDU?

Contact Us

  1. Phone : +94-11-2638656.
  2. Fax : +94-11-2635268.
  3. E- mail : [email protected].
  4. Address : Staff Development Centre, General Sir John Kothelawela Defence University, Kandawela Estate, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka.

How do I join KDU university?

Sri Lankan citizens between the age of 18 to 22 are admitted to KDU according to the eligibility criteria for university admission by the Commissioner General of Examination and fulfilling the requirements of at least an ‘S’ grade for all three approved subjects in GCE (A/L) examination, a pass in the common …

Is KDU a government university?

Later, KDA was elevated to university status subsequent to proposal made to the then government headed by the President J.R. Jayewardene, thus enabling KDA to offer degrees in Defence Studies. Today, the KDU is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom.

Is KDU university UGC approved?

KDU is a member of Commonwealth University Association as well as World University Association and the degrees offered by KDU have been recognized by UGC, Sri Lanka. …

What are the courses in KDU?

Undergraduate Courses

  • Faculty of Medicine. MBBS.
  • Faculty of Engineering. Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering.
  • Faculty of Computing.
  • Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities.
  • Faculty of Law.
  • Faculty of Graduates Studies.
  • Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies.
  • Faculty of Allied Health Science.

Who is the vice chancellor of KDU?

Milinda Peiris
Major General (retd) Milinda Peiris RWP RSP USP VSV LOM ndc psc is the former Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army. Major General Milinda was appointed as Vice Chancellor (VC) of the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) on January 16, 2020 for second occasion.

What are the degrees in KDU?

Who owns KDU?

Tunku Ali Redhauddin Tuanku Muhriz
The company, which is owned by is Tunku Ali Redhauddin Tuanku Muhriz and Ganendran Sarvananthan, is expected to fund the proposed acquisition using a combination of equity contributions from its shareholders, as well as external debt financing from one or more third-party lenders.

Is KDU internationally Recognised?

Welcome to the International Relations Office of KDU International Relations Office of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU-IRO) was established with a vision of making KDU a globally recognized university.

Who was the longest serving Vice Chancellor of KDU?

Milinda’s previous tenure as Vice Chancellor of KDU from December 2008 to February 2016….Milinda Peiris.

Major General Milinda Peiris RWP RSP USP VSV LOM ndc psc
Service/branch Sri Lanka Army Armoured Corps
Years of service 1980 – 2016
Rank Major General
Unit Sri Lanka Armoured Corps

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